25 Replies to “City Of Champions”

  1. It’s okay They’re just doing it to cope with Residential Schools, lost grave stones, their last sled falling through the ice or something. #1stNationProblems

    1. And they don’t actually to have gone through the dificulties personally, generational trauma you know. Grandma’s second cousin’s friend’s neighbour, two houses down…….

  2. 100 st and Whyte avenue. Right in the middle of Strathcona. My great great grandfather’s blacksmith building is about a block away (it’s a mechanic’s shop today).

  3. Sometimes a Teen Burger just isn’t enough and leaves you craving little more. I’d go for onion rings myself, but chacun a son gout, tabarnac depanneur.

  4. Their religion that they are born of the Gitche Manitou and magically self regulate their populations to match nature’s population of animals they rely on, “one with nature” / makes hand sign/ gains strength.

    1. Beauty!
      Years ago the Local Conservation Authority asked me to attend a meeting to give my thoughts about the health of the local whitetail deer herd. At one point in my presentation I was rudely interrupted by their requisite on-staff Indian who loudly exclaimed, “too keep a balanced deer herd you just hunt like my people do: one buck, one doe, one fawn!”

      My reply: “In the month of the Hunger Moon I don’t think they were checking whether it was baby Bambi or Big Bambi’s turn for the stewpot”.

      I run into him occasionally. He *&^%$*g hates me. 🙂

  5. Whoever filmed that will be brought up on charges of invading personal space … or something

        1. I expect they’re more likely to be arrested and prosecuted for use of plastic straws than for the other bit.

  6. Trudeau is not going to like this. All indigenous are spiritual and magical beings with an innate understanding of the universe, don’t you know. This could get you banned, Kate, and I, for one, will miss you.

  7. Just watched Kate’s “ Purpose bred!” video on her YouTube channel. lol!

  8. Justin’s and Steven’s only concern would be that that wasn’t one of those world destroying plastic straws they had been using.

  9. So, if I want to be able to smoke in a restaurant, all I have to do is switch from tobacco to meth?
