Will a First Nation-owned pipeline be without protests and opposition?

Can’t imagine why oil shippers demand explanation from Trans Mountain for pipeline cost overruns, can you?

B.C. First Nation and Western LNG partner to purchase natural gas pipeline project. Can they succeed in bringing a major pipeline in on time and on budget, or will they face the same perils as Trans Mountain (above) and Coastal GasLink? Will other First Nations do all they can to halt it, like GasLink? Will they destroy equipment and raid camps?

US Bureau of Land Management accepts bids for the sale of Federal Helium System. FYI the US Govt getting out of #helium is what’s driving Saskatchewan’s burgeoning industry

15 Replies to “Will a First Nation-owned pipeline be without protests and opposition?”

  1. “…explanation…”

    that’s easy, it’s a government project, with no proper cost controls.

  2. In 2017 —-Kinder Morgan would have built Trans-Mountain for 4.5 billion —-All private business funds!
    The liberal government got involved allowing one protest after another!!!! Now Canada is paying over 30 billion!
    Thanks is owed to our government of ” The Budget will balance itself”!

  3. Now that the technology has advanced enough for NASA to no longer require helium to keep its array of “satellites” floating, there’s no need for the previously largest purchaser of helium to have abundant supplies on hand.

    1. Satellites don’t need helium. Where in the world do you find that? Helium might be used for cooling the launch rocket motors, but it sure doesn’t hold satellites in orbit. Gravity opposing centrifugal force does that.

      Helium has many uses in industry and even in medicine. There is certainly no surplus of it. Drilling companies are drilling helium wells all around us in Saskatchewan right now. It comes up as a small but significant percentage of natural gas in helium-rich areas.


      1. With enough digging, you’ll discover what “satellites” actually are.

        Hint, “space” doesn’t exist. Everything we enjoy that is supposedly brought to us via satellites are actually brought to us by networks of land-based towers, underwater cables, and high-altitude balloons, though the latter are being quickly replaced by high-altitude, long duration drones.

        Incidentally, there was a minor spectacle a few months ago when one of these “satellites” malfunctioned and was spotted repeatedly. Shortly thereafter, it was played off as a Chinese spy balloon.

        Shades of The Truman Show…

          1. No one starts as one.

            Once you investigate the supposed voyages in space, examine the contradictory claims made by astronauts, and watch the spectacles that are supposed to be debriefs without emotion, you’ll come to the conclusion that these people are liars.

            That doesn’t mean you necessarily become a “flat-earther” as defined by the controlled opposition groups the search algorithms will direct you towards. But you will discover that no rocket has ever left the earth. Satellites don’t exist. No object has ever landed on the moon – manned or otherwise, nor would it be possible to do so considering the moon isn’t a physical object.

            You’ll learn that just as the sun emits radiation that is warm, the moon emits radiation that is cool. You’ll wonder why the shadows of solar eclipses travel from west to east, when they should be travelling east to west according to the globe model. And how ludicrous it is that the moon would light up like a highly polished billiard ball from the reflection of a distant sun, and that its shadow on earth would be so tiny. It’s facts such as this that will make you search for answers at the places where you would expect to find them.

            But you won’t. And that’s when the journey begins.

  4. They’ll fight.
    The Indians who like to work for a living, have self-respect and industry, are opposed by the Grifter’s and the Grifter’s lawyers, essentially shameless people not worthy of the water they’re made of.

  5. “…borne by the corporation…” which is owned by the government. So surely no tax consequences there.

  6. Can you shoot on site? Heavy equipment, remote location, no witnesses….
    …kidding CSIS and Turdeau’s internet snoopers, it’s a joke
