25 Replies to “If At First You Succeed”

  1. Rolling codes defeat this kind of attack, and have been used for over 20 years.
    Its safe to say that this guys car was at least 10 years old, as any car more recent than that cannot be stolen this way. They can still be stolen, but its a lot harder than just “capturing a code.”

      1. Make no mistake, there is an agenda at work here, and, as usual, its end result will be to reduce freedom or take money, or both. They have already used this kind of lie to ban a tool called the “Flipper Zero”

    1. Time to bring back capital punishment: dropped on a desert island with Freeland.

    1. Danny Boi
      Kinda had to use said fob while in yer BAG. They wait till you use the fob, so now who is the stupid one?

  2. Anyone remember “Keys”? Little toothed metal objects. Perhaps you’ve heard of them.

  3. A little something I stole from another thread:
    “your logic applies to the old normal not the new.”
    When it comes to the gov’t…
    Old normal: “never attribute to malice what you can attribute to stupidity”
    New normal: ” never attribute to stupidity what you can attribute to malice”

  4. A friend of mine once showed me how easy it was to open a locked automatic garage door. Apparently, the vernacular is what thieves call “tromboning.” Essentially, you have a transmitter that has a slide which will increase or lower the frequency. Garage doors are even less sophisticated that car doors, and you merely had to hit a single frequency (not a series).

    He was a bit of a show off and went down the street opening each garage door as we passed. I was stupid enough to stand next to him while he did it. But, I can’t say it wasn’t impressive…or a bit disturbing.

    1. I put a metal bar in my garage door track. It can only be removed from the inside.

      Late at night I’ve heard a number of people try to open it, so far none have any luck.

  5. My stuff (as old and crummy as it might appear) does not get messed with here..there was an accusation 30 some years ago about boom boom stick etc and I own a backhoe . The small town near where I reside doesn’t have a theft problem either…..same reason….and we look out for each other. Don’t move here , stay where you are…..just sayin’

  6. I know how to reduce car theft to zero. Require car companies to replace stolen vehicles for the first five years. Whatever happened to multiple levels of security? Defeating mechanical keys added another skill set to theft.

  7. My fob can unlock the doors. A key is required to start it. I guess if someone wanted it bad enough they could steal it.

    1. Yes except in turdhole’s Canada you would be the one in jail not the thief, sadly.

  8. This recently happened to someone I know in Mississauga, twice now. His car was parked on the street overnight, stolen in this way, but he had an Apple tag hidden in it so he could track it. He watched its progress Eastward on the 401 to the Montreal Port Authority. He brought this information to the police. Not only did they say there was nothing they could do “once it has been stolen” (!) but they scolded him for using the tracker. The police expressed that those trackers are dangerous because some victims of theft have the audacity to pursue their stolen property and confront the bad guys.
    Police advise us to cower, unarmed, in place, and let them protect us. Except their hands are tied once the goods have started moving, or our bank accounts are hacked, or some foreign national plants ransom ware in our devices, or some grifters commit title fraud and steal our houses. “Nothing we can do, be more vigilant, it’s only replaceable stuff…”
