The Germans came for LNG, Trudeau offered wind/hydrogen/ammonia

Remember when Germany came to Canada, asking for liquefied natural gas, and were handed a weird wind and hydrogen project in Newfoundland instead? Looks like things are moving forward on that front.

But wait! This whole scheme is to build on-shore wind generation on the southwest corner of Newfoundland, and use that to turn water from an old mine into hydrogen. But since there’s only one very small ship on the entire planet that can ship liquid hydrogen (at 20 degrees above absolute zero), the Newfie wind-hydrogen will be converted to ammonia to ship to Germany. Got that?

Wouldn’t it be easier to just build the wind turbines in the German part of the North Sea instead?

And for something completely different: Brian Peckford was one of the premiers that signed the Constitution Act of 1982, which brought us the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Op-Ed: Brian Peckford: Now that we can amend our constitution, we have no leadership to do so

And since we’re talking about political bullshit, here’s a little bullshit.

Quick Dick McDick: How is a calf born, in 5 minutes or less

And Saskatchewan’s burgeoning helium industry is continuing to grow, using oil and gas services to do so.

North American Helium adding two more processing facilities in Saskatchewan

20 Replies to “The Germans came for LNG, Trudeau offered wind/hydrogen/ammonia”

  1. “But wait! This whole scheme is to build on-shore wind generation on the southwest corner of Newfoundland, and use that to turn water from an old mine into hydrogen. But since there’s only one very small ship on the entire planet that can ship liquid hydrogen (at 20 degrees above absolute zero), the Newfie wind-hydrogen will be converted to ammonia to ship to Germany. Got that?”

    Makes sense to me. Now the troughers can get kickbacks from wind, hydrogen, and ammonia interests instead of just LNG interests. Oh! Oh! And there’s opportunity for taxes on each step instead of just on LNG.

    Who cares if it makes no economic sense? It’s a great plan. What’s not to like?

    What’s that you say? The Germans will just go elsewhere to get their LNG? Oh….

  2. Peckford seems like a man of character. Pity that this country no longer has any place for such men and actively shuns them at every opportunity.

    Canada is ultimately a failing state and probably has been since the 1960s. It happens slowly, slowly, then faster, then suddenly. We’re in the “faster” stage now I’d say. I’m not entirely sure how many years we can stagger on in this condition before the “suddenly” stage begins. If I had to take a wild guess I’d figure on 15-25 years, assuming that the coming CPC government at least takes the foot off the gas as we careen downhill toward the cliff (apply the brakes? from the CPC? don’t make me laugh).

    1. The relationships the country has with Aboriginals will throw us off the cliff. Waiting in line behind someone as fair skinned as anyone at CTC, who is wanting to buy a 10 million candle power spotlight (to night hunt with) who then whips out a card to pay no tax, symbolizes our inherent racism. Everything in this country is now based on race, colour, gender etc. We are doomed.

    2. I don’t think it’ll be 15-25 years. Much less. The last chance we had to put the brakes on was in Preston Manning and the Reform Party, but they stupidly managed to sink themselves by showing that they were almost as easily seduced by the money as the Cons, as in fat MP pensions.

  3. X 18 Mar 2024: SEFE (Securing Energy for Europe GmbH) signs a long-term Heads of Agreement with ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.)to buy 1 million tonnes per annum of LNG….15 years expected to begin in 2028.
    Sounds to me like there was a business case in there somewhere….

    1. LNG is an energy sink,a German told me this today.
      A UK’r said Brexit came about as the majority didn’t want the EU (French) calling their shots.
      The Ukes were stealing gas from Russia pipeline across their territory, and using blackmail. Say it ain’t so Joe?

  4. Letting THE GERMANS become reliant on a remote indefensible corner of Canada for their foundational and essential well being sounds like a plan!

    1. Not to worry, electrolysis takes a good deal of energy, wind doesn’t make that so I’ll be surprised if a tonne of Nitrogen is ever produced. Probably at a $100,000,000 cost. Thats a lot for a Newfie seat ever by Librano standards.

      1. 45kWh seems to be the best case to produce 1 kg of hydrogen from water electrolysis which is the first step in the process.

        That won’t include any of the other steps in the process, and it’s a 3 to 1 ratio of N2 to H2.

  5. Jerkmans are communist lite, and only build some good cars. Deep thinking is not their forte’.

  6. Who, in their right mind, would ever do business with a quebec liberal?.

    Now we see.

  7. If we had any brains we would:
    1. supply Germany with all their LNG
    2. supply Japan with all their LNG
    3. supply India with all their LNG
    Imagine having 3 of the world’s largest economies dependent on a reliable country for their energy?
    But we have no brains.

    1. I’d argue that we have brains.

      But the corrupt, self-serving POS’s who rule over us have no desire for us to become productive. If we did, we’d acquire wealth. With wealth, we wouldn’t need “them”, and would become a threat to them.

      So they keep leading us in the wrong direction with their puppets that are chosen every few years in a (s)election.

  8. Why would you sell Europe LNG and curtail the Russian energy lever when you can just send Billions to Ukraine to destroy things? Besides, farms , gardens and the oil and gas industry lead to catastrophic climate change where as bombs, burning , destroying and killing people save the environment. Once we get those electric tanks there will be no environmental impact!
    Somehow, I enjoyed the days when WW3 and nuclear Armageddon were not what seems to be an impending event. Canada is broken and I do not believe repairable under the present political system. I am hoping I am wrong, but I see neither Pierre as P.M. nor Trump as president. Should either achieve office , I would expect monumental resistance to attempts to right the course. At this point I believe the best option is to prepare yourself to have a chance to survive what is coming, The stupid is very, very strong.

    1. P.S. – The best case for sending money to the Ukraine is the kickbacks are likely much more lucrative than from the oil and gas industry and it is easier to eliminate anyone who might sell you out.

    2. ” I am hoping I am wrong, but I see neither Pierre as P.M. nor Trump as president. Should either achieve office , I would expect monumental resistance to attempts to right the course.”

      Which takes us all the way back to Joseph deMaistre’s statement that “the people get the government they deserve.” So true. This is where the Marxists have brought us to by infiltrating the universities to warp the student teachers who will then warp their students. It started back in the 1930s and runs very deep. Malcom Muggeridge wrote about it; his father was an underground communist in England, and that was the goal even then. Get control of the schools. Make people dumb.

  9. Speaking of bullshit … QuickDick claims there are only two sexes in the calving barn. Uh … isn’t that HATE speech as defined by The People’s State of Canada? He just intentionally misgendered a new calf. He assumed that testicles defined the calf as a male.

    1. And – unless said calf has spectacular genetics – he be harvested for his “prairie oysters”.

  10. Peckford is delusional.

    The Turdhole Charter does what it was meant to do… it severs ties with Canadas history and gives political power to unelected quebec french speaking judicial appointees ( “Supremes”) who then determine the social, economic and cultural nature and future of the country without citizen approval or consultation.
    Conjuring “treaty rights” in BC for instance.

    The same way the Turdhole Charter was imposed… without consent… authoritarian judicial activism and authoritarian governance was the intention of imposing the Charter in the first place, and thats what we got.

    The Turdhole Charter is “the law of the land” when the Supremes impose their “interpretational ideology” on the country, and it can also be completely ignored when politicians decide your “rights and freedoms” no longer exist and the country is suddenly a lawless authoritarian Turdhole State.

    The Turdhole Charter is a sick joke imposed by some sick demented politicians and corrupt lawyers.
    Peckford should be ashamed of himself for taking part in its imposition.
