22 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. It’s all part of a continuum – “I support Biden/Justin; I have ‘mental issues’; I believe males can become females and vice versa; after a zillion years of Earth’s ever fluctuating climate I’m in a panic because it’s changed minutely “Since they began keeping records”; I support whatever half assed ’cause’ that allows me to feel ‘noble’ and to carry flags and riot…especially if I don’t have the slightest comprehension of the issue(s)……………yadda, yadda, yadda…

    Ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

  2. Dem-o-rats just can’t help themselves when it comes to lying.

    Trump wants to build stuff in Gaza.
    Yeah this comes for a dem website

    1. Most of the world denies the Shifa hospital account. Only the fools think that Hamas stored weapons (2) next to the MRI. You fell for the Israeli propaganda as bad as it is. Boy do you look foolish. BTW I hear the Israelis are having issues with their propaganda arm and have fired their spokesman in Britain as well has having had a goodly number of resignations in Israel itself. Hmmmm

      1. “Most of the world denies the Shifa hospital account.”

        Hmm…you must have missed this part, Joe:

        [No one really denies it. Hamas even publishes videos of its shooting RPGs at IDF troops near the hospital.]

        It’s documented. ON VIDEO. Both times the IDF went there.

  3. The angels tasked with separating the sheep from the goats won’t have anything to do, we are separating ourselves just fine into the two groups.

    1. Yes, groups of humans stupidly fighting each other to the death for other peoples’ reasons.

      Rodney King was mercilessly belittled for asking, “Can’t we all just get along?”

  4. “The decision to sanction not only individual settlers implicated in West Bank violence, but also their outposts, appears designed to make the very existence of these outposts less viable by seeking to “promote accountability for individuals and entities associated with actions that undermine peace, security and stability in the West Bank,” as the US State Department put it in its latest sanctions announcement

    More broadly, the new sanctions could also become a deterrent to businesses, organizations, charities and even government agencies not to do business with, invest in, or form ties with numerous other illegal outposts and the various business enterprises they run.”


    1. “https://www.timesofisrael.com/how-will-new-us-sanctions-impact-the-illegal-west-bank-farming-outposts-they-target/”

      There is nothing ‘illegal’ about Israelis farming in the West Bank, since the West Bank has been Jewish territory for *centuries*. The so-called ‘Palestinians’ are there illegally….expel them, and everything will be fine again. They already have a homeland: it’s called Jordan.

  5. “One presumes that readers of a media institution which calls itself the ‘paper of record’ would be informed about an important issue which in other media has for month led the headlines of the day.

    Here are a few examples of such headlines:

    Israel announces ‘total’ blockade on Gaza – Al Jazeerah, Oct 9 2023
    Human Rights Watch accuses Israel of blocking aid in violation of UN court order – Lancashire Telegraph, Feb 26 2024

    Israeli ministers, OXFAM, HRW, the UN, the EU and various other international organizations and politicians say that Israel is blocking aid to Gaza.

    Everyone knows this.”


    1. Gaza has a border with Egypt. Not everyone knows this.
      All the aid the Palestinians need can get in via Egypt.
