32 Replies to “March 24, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. I seem to recall someone admiring the ChiCom’s basic Dictatorrship … hmmm? Wasn’t that Canada’s Dear Leader?

    1. Phew! I thought for a moment that America’s communist left, communist America-hating NGO’s, leftist Judges and courts and the entire Democrat apparatus were the cause of this invasion … but no … Alejandro Mayorkas set me straight … explaining it’s our “broken immigration system” that has caused this flood of invaders … that we need “comprehensive immigration reform” in America.

      Translation: We need to admit FAR MORE than “only” 1 million LEGAL immigrants per year into America. We need to LEGALLY flood America with dependents each year. Until America resembles every other poor corrupt nation in the world. Until America resembles a shithole like Haiti.

  1. I don’t play video games, but I think this deserves a mention:
    A woke consultation company called “Sweet Baby Inc.” that has been injecting DEI BS into video games is in the process of being cancelled by the gamer community at large. Its a thing of beauty to behold.
    Oh, and The Canadian feds and the USA feds (The DHS, no less) are spending money to help fight “extremism in video games”, and that woke company I mentioned seems to be in bed with the Canadian gov’t.

    1. At least SBI provides the gamer community with one service – a infallible list of gaming products that truly suck and blow at the same time – a kind of reverse consumer reports.

    1. A few commenters have hypothesized that the GOPe is trying to throw the 2024 election

    2. Did anyone see the comment regarding the contrast between women who are oriented toward polygamy (including serial?) and women who are oriented toward monogamy. (Sorry for the crude, but apt, language in that comment ) language

    1. Great Point Buddy…

      Give me Oil, Nat Gas, Coal n Diesel any day of the week.
      I do believe Alberta’s 4481 installed MegaWatts are producing ~ <1% of capacity now for the past Week…and have never once gotten past 20% of Capacity.

      Shite, Crap n Corruption

      1. It just happened to me again. A response I just attempted to post to Steakman here … just disappeared … never posted.

  2. ECB / Potsdam: Global Warming will Drive Up Food Inflation, Unless Farmers Adapt.

    “In my opinion, citing 2022 in Europe as an example of climate disruption caused food inflation is absurd….. Food inflation in Europe is a problem, because European farmers are under attack by radical greens”

    in 2022, “The Scottish Agriculture Minister refused to release more land for agriculture to help farmers maintain food supply. “We are still in a nature emergency that hasn’t gone away… so it’s a no“”.

    Potsdam researchers failed to note “Canadian Geographic admitted in 2020 that global warming is opening millions of square kilometres of new agricultural land. “. But would a Lib/NDP government let them farm it?

    1. Cuba can trade with 200 countries and can’t trade with just one. Apparently that one, America, is the cause of all their problems.
