29 Replies to “Sunday On Turtle Island”

  1. The mohawk psychologist needs to get back to nature and live as his ancestors lived, instead of getting an education and then being unable to know what to do with it other than fabricate B S .

    1. What the Mohawk psychologist labeled my colonialist homophobia, transphobia, and such … is really what I call my natural born biological bias for heteronormativity. It seems the Red man has gotten farrrrr too removed from the biology of the natural environment … and is living in the unreal mental masturbatory colonial world of psycho-drama.

    1. It’s becoming the answer to all questions. All this time I thought the magic negro stated it was “government”.

  2. Re the unpronounceable library. You want north america indian culture, then you back to tee pees and primitive tribal life. You don’t like the way things are, then go pitch a tent tundra, get naked and live as your ancestors did. STOP TAKING THE HARD EARNED MONEY THAT CANADIANS WORKED FOR AND YOU DIDN’T.

      1. Re the unpronouncablenaneofthelibrary, whatbullshit! Edmontoncitycouncil has taken it upon themselves to rename anything and everything some obscure and pointless ”Indigent” title.
        To what end? Who friggen knows!
        Respect ‘cultures’ that were less than primitive and that were constantly at war with one another until the ”Whiteman” arrived? ‘Cultures’ that had nothing but stone tools and no permanent housing in an environment that demanded respect for the extremes of hot and cold? ‘Culture’ eh!

  3. Certainly seems that real leadership skills today could get you ridiculed, fired, fined and jailed.
    Decades ago, the start of regulations and restrictions babysitting the workers in case of a bobo.
    Nobody is qualified to work without government approval by certifications is required.

    Innovative people could be jailed or have financial difficulties imposed unless government approval is required.
    Health and safety isn’t required when importation from countries without these same restrictions applied.

    I’d sooner give away my research innovation rather than either having it bought out and confiscated, jailed or suicided to keep it concealed as much of our power generation is faulty and can be so much better.
    Our politicians have became the money master of deception for bad technology.
    Hydro is 30 theoretically but realistically 25 turbines in one that bad.

    1. I call it ‘catching a ride’ technology.
      Only a tiny portion of the design actually is harvesting energy while the rest of the design is catching a ride doing absolutely nothing.

      Or the friction blowback makes it impossible to run as the brakes are constantly applied.

  4. I am beginning to think that maybe Trudeau and his pal Guibeault actually believe that humans are changing the climate by burning fossil fuels. What fools! Surely there are people in the government who could enlighten them.

    1. I am sure there are those that understand the science, but they keep quiet to hold onto their jobs.
      Blackie surrounds himself with sycophants and refuses to listen to any dissent. His mind is made up and he doesn’t want to be confused with facts.
      Guilbeault is just a classic example of a single issue fanatic.

    2. LindaL:

      You’re too kind to these thugs.
      Nah, as Saul Alinsky taught his protégés, “The issue is never the issue”.
      They do not believe this. None of the elites do. Frightened youngsters do of course.
      As climate is global and cannot be “managed” by the pols of mere sovereign nations, it is the perfect premise to justify One World Gubbermint.

      1. Shut up plebes and OBEY! And all those tractor protests? The government will seize your farms and will create mass starvation to finally usher-in Paul Ehlich’s predicted worldwide famine. Because the WEF has determined there are too many mouths to feed on the planet. Birth control hasn’t worked … well it hasn’t worked anywhere except in “white” societies.

  5. “Trudeau Government to Investigate ‘How Climate Change Interacts with Democratic Decline”.

    Some may remember the tonight show with Letterman.
    In the 90’s of the past century, Letterman would have a segment with Rupert Jee, Hello Deli
    owner next door. In the segment Jee would wander about New York with an earpiece and Letterman would feed him stupid questions that Jee would ask random people.

    Find certain resemblance in the mechanics, in the nonsense the idiot spews. It is as though he actually does not know whereof is he speaking, which thing is most likely, being fed the bullshit by his laughing script writers.
    His handlers must have a good time listening to it.

  6. Re: Ethennonnhawahstihnen’

    Another waste of land because the city of toronto government is unwilling to partner with any developers to design and build residences on top of these “community centers” they come up with, but are perfectly willing to take land to build public housing that they don’t own.

  7. The Ethansomethingorother Library in North York.
    David Murrell will get a kick out of this:
    About a cetury or so ago I lived in a suburb of Fredericton NB called:
    N a s h w a a k s i s. (not that difficult )
    My poor mother was unable to master it. She said, always with a question mark at the end,
    N a s h w i s h w i s h w i s h ?

  8. It has occured to me that the Aboriginals are making fun of us. If so, good on them. They are coming up with unpronounceable and impossible to remember words when asked to name something for ” reconciliation” purposes. I don’t blame them. Rather shallow and insensitive of the colonizers to think they can make up for Aboriginal suffering by getting to name something that has little or no meaning to them.

    1. Making fun of us is certainly part of it. But I think the natives have realized that the demographics in Canada are changing and they have a limited amount of time left to grift off of white guilt. When the demographics tip and our ruling class is made up of Indians and Chinese, the natives are going to be SOL. Indians will not tolerate this nonsense and will cut funding – and that’s the best scenario. The Chinese have no qualms about eliminating difficult demographics. If the natives think they’ve been subjected to genocide now, just wait until Canada is a de facto province of China. The Uighurs will look to Canada’s natives and think “wow, we got off easy.”

  9. I can still remember the day when Berkeley changed the name of ‘Grove’ Street in Berkeley to: ‘Martin Luther King Jr.’ Way. The letters had to be so small on the street signs that you couldn’t even read it. Yes, they finally changed the signs to: MLK Jr. Way.

  10. Who needs Hell when you have Davos? … well worth a read. I had all but forgotten C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength in which CS proved prescient about out current state of the world.

    And yes, even if you despise Christianity … you’d best BEWARE the God-substitutes proffered by “science” … or any other replacement of your spiritual soul. Any other replacement of your SELF.

  11. Time to rename Montreal:

    Prehaps Hochelaga – Mooniyaang – Teionihtiohtiá:kon would do.
    This is combination of Iroquoian, Ojibwe, and Mohawk names; all of whom claimed Montreal as their traditional ancestral lands.

    No street signs can be in in the settler colonial language of French.

    On second thought, there should be no street signs. The first nations did not have a writen language.
