18 Replies to “This Is CNN”

    1. “As many of us”…
      “As I and a number of others…”

      I’m not really sure any more.

  1. So they indeed are lying.

    Likely for a bribe from the mutilation industry.

    Any medical professional that accepts money for doing harm, should be barred for ever.

    1. Freddy
      They are NOT groomers,they are destroyers of family and society as we know it. People like you and Kate need to pack in the groomer bullschiff.
      The Pritzker family is behind pushing this crop.
      They are another billionaire lefty Jewish cabal.

      1. (I didn’t write this, but I agree with it)

        But just because these activists are not actually sexually molesting children physically certainly doesn’t protect them from the charge of being groomers. Groomers can also target your children and abuse them psychologically and emotionally because grooming is deliberately sexualizing and manipulating children. This leads to distorted thinking about their identity, relationships, family, and sexuality.

        The end result? Young children and adolescents adopt unhealthy self-identities, often leading to aberrant and harmful sexual behavior.

        ( What do you think is the purpose of Drag Queen Story Hours? It is, indeed, a recruitment of sorts. Think about how children are influenced. A child is likely to pursue the same religion as their parents. How often have you seen a child actually pursue the same profession as other family members. Why are toys brightly colored and aesthetically designed? Now think about the flamboyancy and eye catching make-up of the 200 lb. guy in the fluorescent dress reading a book about taboo topics, you as a child, never heard of before. There is going to be an interest. An, intrigue. And, it’s at those formidable years where impressions matter.)

  2. “People like you and Kate need to pack in the groomer bullschiff.”

    In every facet and motive behind this gender dysphoria is a grooming element of implementation and propaganda dissemination.

    As a thought experiment, think of this. “Rophinol is just a way to get women out of a bar.” Would that be grooming, greasing the way? “End of thought experiment.
    It is most certainly, not as you say: bullschiff.

    They are the destroyers you describe as well. But the grooming element cannot be excluded.

    Convince me I’m wrong.

  3. Motive is reason and reason is the purpose and focus of humanity.

    Whether it be good or bad.

  4. from the profession that gave us lobotomies when they could and in my experience is the ONLY ONE where practition ers REFUSE to discuss ANY aspect of a diagnosis.

    only time l ever spent in a psych hospital l spent the time insulting and making fun of them, an example:
    uuugh uuuuuugh uuuuuu nurse?
    what year is it?
    you know its 2001.
    howcum the doctors all look like sigmund freud?
    another time l used a payphone in the common area to call the doctor across the hall and bitch. he didnt like that eh? heh heh heh
    my lasting impression was the FACT even when they SAW it, they REFUSED to act on any my complaints when another patient kept hitting me, he obviously learned he could get away with it.
    so l bribed him. thats when indoor smoking was allowed so l gave him all my cigarettes.
    everything they could get away with but l knew right from the start to watch for it and had all manner of devices at the ready.
    the really good news nothing else to do l started do ‘angle’ pushup against a table.
    l got up to a never since 10,000 a day.
    when they let me in the exercise room l bench pressed 350, again not since.

    lm sure all that had to do with the genetic work ethic l have.
    6 siblings, 5 of which attended college/university.
    3 teachers, a lawyer, 2 very successful auto body mechanics and all of us independently employed at one point or another.

  5. The best thing that Fox News does is when it presents a video montage of all the other talking heads saying almost the same thing word for word with slight variation, if any.

  6. So, lying -and- lazy. Not to mention too stupid to cover their tracks even a little bit.

    Sounds about right.

    I have a lot of experience in another issue, gun control. The media weenies don’t even try to pretend. They have their boilerplate, and they will not print anything different. Ever. I’ve seen plenty of those articles where GunGuy takes the reporters to the range for TrainingDay, and they all learn the things, and everybody loves it and it is so fun… and then they write -exactly- the same thing the next week.

    Because, clearly, none of this is about facts, logic, evidence, or even common sense. This is about doing what they’re told. Obedience.

    This is the level of dysfunction where if they drop a pencil, they don’t look down to see where it went. They look up at the ceiling. Then they blame racism when they can’t find the pencil. Racists took it. And they say that even if it fell point first and is sticking out of their leg.

    Everybody in media knows that if you tell the truth, that the pencil falls DOWN every single time because DUH!, you will be fired and never work in media again.

    Guns, windmills, transgender, electric cars, Trump, oil, all it takes is one word to identify the issue, and you already know how the article is going to be written. No need to read it.

    So we don’t read it. And that is why all the media are going out of business. Because they are lazy, lying fools, selling communism.

    1. “ Speaker Mike Johnson, a conservative Christian”

      Looking forward to C-BS labeling Schmucky Schumer a “commie Jew” in reporting going forward.

      1. That would be hilarious. Really bad for America, for sure, but still hilarious. Chuckie chucked under the bus, that’d be sewwt.

  7. This is only half as sinister as it sounds, and it’s a good example of Crichton’s Gell-Mann Amnesia. Singal demonstrably has no idea how news is written (or else he’s being deliberately disingenuous).

    It is standard practice for news writers to insert a definition when writing an article that uses technical vocabulary or jargon. Go back far enough and you’ll find similar behaviour in articles on emerging computer technology or global warming.

    CNN’s definition is 100% agenda-mongering, but there’s nothing particularly unusual about the repeated copy-paste beyond CNN writing a lot of articles on this particular topic because it’s their current fetish.
