Y2Kyoto: Xi See What You Did There

More Chinese Communism can Save Us from Climate Change

Anyone who is curious why China is building wind and solar AND coal, the answer is they are building wind turbines because Xi Jinping told them to build wind turbines.

In 2021, Xi wanted to pimp China’s emissions record in time for the next COP conference, so he issued strict district level energy quotas, demanded more wind turbines and solar, and ordered a transition to renewables.

The order for quotas was obeyed, but Xi forgot to tell everyone to reduce their energy use, to ensure the quotas lasted until the end of the year. As a result, China burned through their quotas and ran out of energy by July 2021, and much of the Chinese economy shut down for a few weeks while people waited for new orders from the Communist Central Committee.

The central committee did the only thing possible, but it took time for news of the crisis to filter through the communist bureaucracy and for a decision to be made – they relaxed the coal quotas.

h/t PaulHarveyPageTwo

23 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Xi See What You Did There”

  1. I do not see any point in time where wind turbines and solar panels can provide adequate electricity to power a planet of over 800 billion people. Wind turbines and solar panels can only be manufactured when there is coal, oil and gas available. Realizing that so many people in the world are incapable of understanding that can be depressing at times, when you realize their ignorance can actually kill people.

    1. *8 billion…
      But yeah there are a lot of loons running around with either number…

    2. Ignorance? The “leaders” of the movement want a target population of somewhere between 500 million and 1 billion people, so it’s not ignorance, it’s planned.

      1. That number seems high.
        But Their AI will tell them what the number is and then adjust it accordingly.

        1. But they won’t have the electricity to run the AI, Buddy. They have outsmarted themselves.

  2. It’s interesting when my wife and I were in Germany I had an opportunity to talk to a German engineer! He explained how both solar and wind generated power were failing! He went on to say that the German Government were going back to coal!!! He smiled saying ” Clean Coal”

  3. Can’t put an image here, but the vast majority of China’s electrical generation is from Coal, representing about 5200 TWh out of the 8700 TWh they produced, it’s followed by Hydro, and then everything else.

  4. Burning coal is good for the environment, as is using gas and oil. Increasing the CO2 in the atmosphere fosters massive amounts of new vegetation. Whatever mild warming it might cause (and there’s no actual evidence CO2 drives climate at all) would be a boon for most of the planet.

    1. In fact, there’s REAL evidence that CO2 levels REACT to changes in temperature rather than causes it.

      1. “there’s REAL evidence that CO2 levels REACT to changes in temperature…”

        This is fact, fc – and it took me awhile to understand the mechanism. YES, CO2 FOLLOWS temperature – by some 800 years. And the proof is easy to see – just go snorkelling in the Caribbean.

        Wonder why tropical waters are so clear, especially compared to frigid North Atlantic waters? – it’s precisely, the temperature difference. Cold water holds a lot more dissolved gases than warm water; this seems counterintuitive, but water molecules are denser than air molecules { – REALLY? – the things you learn… 😉 }, so the colder the water is, the better it can slow air molecules to non-escape. Tropical water is so clear because it has less dissolved O2, thus fewer tiny organisms can live in it – in effect, it’s a marine desert. Cold water has much more dissolved O2, so it supports much bigger populations of tiny marine animals, hence the worse visibility – and it holds much more dissolved quantities of other atmospheric gases, including CO2.

        – Which explains why CO2 follows temperature. Below 300 meters depth, the world ocean is uniformly 4 degrees C; and there’s an enormous amount of water down there, and it holds huge quantities of dissolved atmospheric gases, including CO2. And it takes a LOT of warmth over a LONG time to materially warm-up the deep ocean; 800 years’ worth.

        – And of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t point-out that this one factoid cancels CAGW alarmism at one stroke.

    1. “Because they can turn their economy around on a dime”.. As if he understands what an economy/dime is. the Grade7 student council pres/panty dampener.
