20 Replies to “Hey Kelly, Do A Quick Google Search”

  1. Let me repeat what I INSISTED in an earlier post regarding a similar genus of “man” (one uses the term loosely)

    “It’s no coincidence that this guy has a beard, which I find to be an aggressively passive-aggressive symbol on a certain type of male (as if the beard is designed to overcompensate for some rather obvious inner weakness).

    My rule of thumb: If (i) you have a beard and (ii) at least one of the below-listed characterizations applies to you:
    1. You drive a pickup truck
    2. You own guns, preferably lots of them
    3. You have garage/workshop full of tools
    4. Your initials are J.B.P.

    …then you’re fine. If not, you are most likely some mealy-mouthed, soy-guzzling, cuck-voiced (as this guy is) left-wing, virtue-signalling, beta-male, male feminist white knight, public sector-dependent parasite.

    Living in downtown Toronto, I’ve learned – especially while driving (because these types at their most annoyingly self-righteous when riding on their bicycles) – to utterly DESPISE such people.

    Is anyone with me?”

    1. 1. previously AND again asap when l let go of this place
      2, previously, sold them when my liberal minded kid objected (l made her pay the difference purchase/sale price)
      3. yep. try 40 years.
      4. yep. try 50 years.

      but l may be disqualified because l have biked it since 2007 when the ’96 taurus got taken off the road per emissions requirements. seems to be a very broad prejudice against cyclists in some corners.

      1. You’re fine! Biking is a great sport and in many situations, a handy way to get around, just don’t make it your civic religion
        But NEVER sell (all) your guns – absolutely G-ddamned never

  2. ye gawds people.
    truly, in DECADES of watching, studying, discussing, analysing the weird ottawa species
    I HAVE NEVER SEEN/HEARD OF A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G so, exceptionally, so backwardly off target as THIS. the ONLY ‘rational’ explanation: liberal.
    the world is circling the drain. something huge and unstoppable as continental drift is going on in ‘the way the world werks’ and note the spelling? the thing no longer WORKS in the normal meaning, so new a new word. for the new world [order].

    goddamn goddamn goddamn TURDeau and goddamned all you Canaduhians that voted for it and full disclosure SO DID I that one time but that was harper the bully’s fault.

    bbbbrrrrrr …..

  3. This is a perfect example of telling too many lies – so many that you can’t remember all of them and you can’t keep the events straight. So when is the inveterate liar, Sean Fraser, going to fired? Oh, that would be never because that is the MO of the Liberal Party of Canada, with the NDP coming in a close second.

    1. Liberals fire a liar?

      They’d have to fire the entire party.

      Lying is a fundamental requirement for membership in the Liberal Party.

      1. l have autism and as such
        -an affinity to the truth, relying on numbers, proven theories, reliable machines etc.
        -can recollect an inordinate amount of random information.
        alas, with the 2nd item a whooooolllle bunch of contradiction crops up.
        *because lots of liars out there and a lie ALWAYS creates a contradiction doesnt it.*

        for the longest time l naturally, with the rest of the crowd, blamed myself for being the stupidest one in the room.

        which is why after decades of CRAP l am disengaging.
        look somewhere else for a volunteer.
        look somewhere else for a charitable contribution
        look somewhere else for a knight in shining armour to appear
        look somewhere else for organ donor

        eff uuu society, you did it to me AND yourself at the same time.
