Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Thus, nothing will happen;

A military veteran who spent 20 years in uniform, Lieutenant Colonel Huajie Xu now lives on a quiet street in Winnipeg.

But he did not serve in Canada’s armed forces.

Instead, he was a member of China’s People’s Liberation Army, according to records obtained by Global News.

Before arriving in Canada in 2021, Xu worked at the military academy of the Chinese cyber warfare department that hacks Canadians and steals their secrets.

Chinese state-sponsored cyber attacks have targeted Canadian companies, activists and government agencies.


Hundreds of pages of records filed in court indicate that Xu joined the PLA in 1998 and became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in 2001.

He earned a degree in Infantry Command from Jinan Army College, and a Masters in Military Education Training from the PLAIEU.

Between 2011 and 2013, Xu was trained by the Russian military in Moscow. Upon returning to China, he became an instructor at the PLAIEU until retiring in 2018.

In 2021, he applied to immigrate to Canada. Despite acknowledging his military career in his application form, he was accepted as a permanent resident.

Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees Canada declined to answer when asked by Global News why it had approved Xu as an immigrant.

Terry Glavin: This guy got permanent resident status before he even set foot in Canada.

42 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. Yes indeed, Canada is not broken, just finished. Trudeau and all liberals are traitors and should be in prison.

  2. Kate’s thread title is no exaggeration. Canada gets a shout out in the linked piece.

    Dunno if available to non-subscribers.

    China Behind Super Highway That Targets US With Mass Migration, Economic Warfare
    China is ‘like a boa constrictor that’s tightening and tightening around the United States,’ says expert, regarding the CCP’s vast investments in Latin America.


    1. A favorite game called goh is taught to military officers. It involves placing black and white pieces on a grid with the object of removing any opposing player pieces by surrounding them.
      Involves much more strategic thinking than would first appear.

  3. Isn’t ANY critcism of China tantmount to “Asian Hate?” I seem to recall reading some advert like this on the screen in my office tower elevator over the Covid lockdown, also more recently on some TTC billboard.

  4. How close is his new house to Canada’s only Level 4 virus lab they ripped off?

  5. perhap Xu isnt retired.every week sometimes DAILY new outrages and backroom crap from the goddamned Liberals.
    all funneled thru the TURDeau brain, currently
    and thats because enough of the *rest* of them WANT him there.
    gooooooo figurrrrr

  6. The MSM actually committing a journalism?

    I think they fear the Tories might actually win, and actually cut off the subsidies…

  7. If he applies for citizenship, he will probably run for the Liberals in an election.

  8. Well, when you have a PM who openly praises communist china’s basic dictatorship…is anyone really surprised?

    Looks like the Little Potato remains a wholly-owned subsidiary of the CPC.

    1. The Liberal Party has always been full of Maoists including Maurice Strong, Alan Rock, Jean Chretien and of course both Pierre and Justin Trudeau among others.

    1. True.

      But that’s only about 95 percent of the electorate: Liberals, Indeepers, and those who supported sceer notool.

  9. Nope. You’ll need a lot more than sabotage to get him declared persona non grata.

    Can you find a $10 donation to the Freedom Convoy? Or maybe he ‘liked’ Jordan Peterson?

  10. I’m sure he doesn’t meet or talk with diverse people that may have join the CF now that citizenship is not a requirement.

  11. Canada: formerly a British colony, now a Chinese vassal state.

    As an aside, what passes for treason these days?

  12. So how does the next elected government clean out the bureaucracy of all its traitors?
    How does the next elected government deal with the ex-members and still-elected, yet disempowered, members of parliament (like ex-PM Phagboy who the stupid frogs will still vote in) who are obvious traitors?
    SFA will happen and the decline will continue because Canada Is A Toilet.
    The Americans should come in and raze the place.

    1. And THAT is THE Question!

      How, indeed. Because you only have 4 years to create and leave a moonscape.

    2. That was one of Brian Mulroney’s failures when he took power. He should have cleaned house….big time. Canada also has a “deep state”.

      1. He should have, but he was a Quebecer red tory, so increased immigration in a recession, created some debt and played heavily to eastern Canada. He could have done more maybe, but the media and Liberals could not stand his public nor international successes.

        That said, I truly mourn, with his family, as we knew them somewhat, and he was honesty a patriot, a visionary (not all shared his vision, even myself on some issues), but he was definitely affable, funny and very very personable. He was very appreciative of his staff, of which my husband was one, a seconded foreign service officer with whom Mulroney was able to share confidences (not always passed on to me, appropriately, given security clearance rules), and to give advice to the PM, especially on foreign policy, a PM who ACTUALLY listened to others.

        He was a strong, involved father too. Mila was amazing too in supporting/ encouraging her husband of 51 years, and they have 4 kids, now mature and settled in their lives and 16 grand children!

        Mulroney and Mila were personally there for me, when my husband passed suddenly, with phone call, minutes after I informed the PMO, that my husband would not be in for work on Monday.

        Then, a basket from the 24 Sussex kitchen arrived, followed by a eulogy in our local church, and a west block post-funeral reception for my friends, family and husband’s work colleagues was organized. Then invitations to state events as a widow and a Christmas 1992 visit for myself and children to 24 Sussex still came. You do not ever forget these kindnesses, and my heart goes out to Mila and the family.

    3. Buddy:

      The US is a toilet too and in the the highly unlikely event of DJT getting the prize he ain’t gonna flush it; won’t be able to.

    4. Buddy

      What makes you think the US is any better?

      I suspect there are far more Chinese spies, influencers, etc. in the US than in Canada. The US has more to steal than Canada.

  13. CRA should take a very close and HARD look at the perm res folks (where are those offshore untaxed world-wide assets?) and expensive property in prime real estate areas (often, not in their names). Overseas per res’s are way better at gaming future Canadian citizenship.

    Instead, CRA is seriously harassing (adding a confusing 9-page T-3 form in not designed for normal people). Canadians taxpayers trying to open simple bank accounts with children/grand children for their own and their offspring’s future use are now attacked viciously with paper. Oh yes, 99% will never have to pay, just like multi-level empty home taxes (if they fill the form), but 99% are paying for government abuse (and accounting fees are not deductible).

    Those formerly-trusted Canadian passports are no longer valuable, unless we start to value our own REAL citizenship, as cheating our systems is apparently rampant (other countries have people who are WAY better at gaming governments). We “Old Stock” are soooo collectively naive, paying bills to loosers who show up with sad stories, are escorted, housed, fed, get “free” health care (and better dental), and bring/produce Canadian-educated kids.

    Of course, no real study has ever been done on the recent value of all the perm res’s or new citizens. All are opinion surveys.

    Personally, I hire people who are valuable new Canadians with skills, and have many friends who came later than my 8-generation Canadian-born family did.

    The boomers did not create new families early, so there is a gen xy gap, and they studied useless things for future employment with low tuition (sociology, creative writing/English, philosophy, art appreciation, political science?, obscure languages/studies, fostering workplace communications, etc.) and married late.

    Urban Dads/Moms no longer taught their children useful skills like carpentry, electrical and basic plumbing skills, as they were entertained by mindless gaming/TV and even failed at Mcjobs, while the boomers both worked. That is corporate Canada’s real problem.

  14. deplorable, livid L , do you have a name, as in political nomenclature for that fiasco you well described?

    1. Not exactly sure about which “political nomenclature” you would like or which political fiasco (I wrote on two topics with fiascos: Mulroney/my personal disaster and the CRA overkill).

      The CRA overkill is best googled by “bare trust” 2023 reporting CRA. It was in the news. Yes, maybe the limit is 50K, but maybe not, if they think you forgot to report a dividend … We do have a very porous income act, subject to expensive litigation and not really transparent, in full.

      A name for Canadian political charlatans and immigrant cheats? Hah. How many would you like?… Check BC assessment for prices in Point Grey, B.C., addresses in the British properties and “West Vancouver” on the North Shore, and in Richmond, B.C., Kelowna and the rest of the Okanagan Valley too. Many with numbered companies or barely adult students, wives? with full wallets have title on $15,000,000 mansions or prime real estate in the Fraser Valley farming communities, and no income.

      Governments at all levels have not figured out the tricks. 8 to 4 CRA auditors are not sufficiently clever/motivated, apparently. Do you think empty home “declarations” are true or these trusts? Truth is no longer a supported Canadian value.

      This is not a one-state immigrant country invasion. Lots of off-shore escapees with cash/criminals from everywhere love to park big $$$ in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal etc., leaving wives, children and others with home titles here and obscure $$$ trails, with sleazy realtors, lawyers, developers and municipal officials joining in. This has been known for decades, but newer entries from the middle east are now recognized, as they are noisy, like green freaks and weird feminists with no nose ring a man could love.

      Of course, my dearly beloved, hard-working, dedicated, loving husband, deceased since 1992 as Deputy Chief of Staff to the PM, will not be on any Internet pages, as we did not have it for wide-spread use then. May he rest, and let us see better foreign policies in the future vs. this past, most embarrassing and pathetic decade.

      You could personally ask Paul Heinbecker, a friend with his wife Ayse, who was a more senior PMO foreign service officer recruited too at the time (1989-1993) and later wrote “Getting Back in the Game”, was Ambassador to the UN, and is online.

      Mulroney learned in his first term that “borrowed” bureaucrats, like Derek Burney, former Chief of Staff and Ambassador to the USA, can be amazingly useful, as the pollical kids knew nada. Derek was one of my husband’s true mentors, as we headed off to Japan in the later 1970’s. They had a lot of childrens’ and adult shoes at their relaxed front door as we progressed to dinner with Joan and Derek, a first lesson in Japanese etiquette: no shoes in homes. More light/practical tips came later, like their favourite tiny sushi place in Yokohama (frequented a LOT by our young family) and packing SHOES for narrow feet, long-sleeved stuff for long arms and pants for narrow, tall legs. I am sure that Derek had more serious advice for my husband at work.

  15. I truly don’t think Canada turns away any immigrant or refugee claimants. I don’t know of any in my circle of friends and acquaintances most of whom are recent arrivals. They all are so nervous about their hearings and to a man (person?) they are accepted.

  16. Well just ask yourself this, why would a presumably wealthy Chinese guy “retire” to Winnipeg? No offence, but even Canadians don’t retire to Winnipeg.

    Could be that lab had a role in it (but he arrived after the lab workers were kicked out of Canada), but also, doesn’t Bill Gates own a huge parcel of land right across the border in northeastern North Dakota? I believe that was discussed a few years ago. Nobody is too sure what the actual interest in that land is, agri-business is not the only theory as to the interest. One thing that occurred to this observer, it is very close to a number of important U.S. military bases including ICBm launch sites in ND and nearby. Also, being on the border, it could play a role in infiltration (of the U.S., presumably, as Chinese seem to have no trouble getting into Canada).

    Allowing the Canadian Liberal government to “oversee” inquiries into Chinese interference in Canada is unwise. This government’s loyalty to Canada is no longer credible and Trudeau and his Cabinet need to resign.

    Immediately. Consider this to be a demand on behalf of all unrepresented Canadians, since I have not heard Poilievre making this demand (it would seem self-evident as to reasons why this government must resign).

    An inquiry must begin at once. To what extent is the present government taking orders from Beijing, what is their payoff, and how many members of the Cabinet are implicated?

    Such activity would be treason. If our lapdog media think they can pass this off as some “administrative error” they have another think coming. This is a very serious matter, if Trudeau and/or others in Cabinet have been collaborating with the PRC who seem to be engaged in cyber and medical warfare against Canada and other western nations. And the entire Chinese “diplomatic corps” need to be kicked out, and all these so-called students need to be investigated as to their actual reason for being here.

    This probably has implications for U.S. political interests as well, with the same set of dynamics.

    1. North Dakota: The Silicon Valley of Drone Innovation


      “North Dakota’s plans to become the epicenter in the U.S. for uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) began about 10 years ago, according to Teigen. Two key advantages of the state are its low population and its heavy focus on agriculture and energy—spaces where drones can bring significant value.

      Over the past decade, North Dakota has made more than $100 million in investments into UAS technology—both for the airspace and for ground infrastructure. “We have the first UAS business park—1.2 million square feet of hangar space that’s growing every day,” he said. The business and aviation park, called Grand Sky, is used to conduct autonomous drone operations and to develop the necessary ground infrastructure.”

  17. Canada is for sale.. We call this globalism.. The idea was our ideals were supposed to change them.. The money said otherwise.. As it would..

  18. I am getting impression that Canadian government may try to hide behind ludicrous argument that this is all the fault of (patronage appointment) Immigration Appeal Court judge who overturned ruling by staff at YVR … ignoring fact that Ruan arrived with some sort of pre-clearance letter (from whom?) …

    Anyway, Ruan himself missed his true calling as a stand-up comedian, like retiring to Winnipeg at age 40, and saying he was basically like a cook or a janitor at the military college — asking us to believe that in China, they allow cooks and janitors to give lectures on cyber-security to military people.

    Apparently before leaving home, Ruan was told to say any old thing here because they must be crazy or stupid, I mean, look who they vote for.

    1. Good wok if you can get it, cleaning up big mess of capitalism. It’s time for Culinary Revolution, power grows out of hose of a vacuum. Today I teach you how to hack into Pentagon and make killer stir fry.

  19. It used to be that being a member of the PLA was an automatic disqualification from not just immigration, but even getting tourist visas.

    I guess it was always “unless you know the right people or have enough money.”
