When The Capitol Police Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Is This Former ATF Agent Running the J6 Pipe Bomb Coverup?

It was [Ashan Benedict] who, with a straight face, attempted to explain away the behavior of the Capitol Police and Secret Service officers at the DNC pipe bomb site as being driven by a desire to not cause panic. There is simply no way that this is true or that Benedict believes it to be true. Prior to serving as Assistant Chief of Capitol Police, Benedict was the Executive Officer of the Metro PD in Washington, D.C., and before that, he served in the ATF as an agent for over 20 years, rising to the rank of Special Agent in Charge of the ATF for Washington, D.C. There is simply no way that someone of that background and pedigree could believe for a second that it is normal or acceptable for Secret Service agents or Capitol Police, upon being informed of a pipe bomb in close proximity, to stand around lackadaisically for minutes and allow schoolchildren to walk in front of the explosives. There is no way that someone with Benedict’s experience could think that such behavior could be explained by the authorities not wanting to cause panic.

The only reasonable conclusion from the DNC surveillance footage is that the authorities knew in advance or right away that the pipe bomb posed no threat—the only question is how they would know that. And the only reasonable conclusion from Benedict’s absurd explanation is that Benedict knows that they knew in advance that the pipe bomb posed no threat and is covering up this fact and the reasons behind it.

Incidentally, the FOIA’d ATF documents Judicial Watch obtained have at least one individual asking repeatedly whether the DNC and RNC pipe bombs were viable devices or not. […]

Benedict would then go on to sit back and nod approvingly as his subordinate (who was on the scene at DNC and partners with the man who discovered the bomb) offers an equally absurd non-answer as to how, after magically discovering the DNC bomb within 15 minutes of the first bomb’s discovery, he and his partner somehow didn’t think to look for a third bomb. The Capitol Police officer in question simply did not have an answer for this other than that he just somehow knew. For Benedict to nod in approval at such an answer is downright bizarre.

It’s long, grab a coffee.

Related Swampery News: Donald Trump’s $454 million bond has been reduced to $175 million thanks to a New York appeals court ruling. The ruling is a massive win for Trump, saving him from potential financial disaster. The new bond will stop Attorney General Letitia James from collecting the judgement during Trump’s appeal (NYT).

21 Replies to “When The Capitol Police Do It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. All one big, fat, giant, corrupt, stinking setup and entrapment scheme. Seems like all of DC is in on it given grand jury indictments related to Trump and anything J6. Shouldn’t be surprising as it apparently votes 95% Democrat.

    1. The whole G D thing was a set up. Americans are as dumb as Canadians and deserve everything they get. They have a constitution that legally allows them to take up arms against a government that is doing just what their government is doing. They are cowards just like all Canadians.

  2. Reduced to pocket change $175,000,000. or thereabouts.
    I could just imagine the Pompous BITCH escorting a crowd of illegals, yes ILLEGAL FELONS with an assortment of “tools” from wherever in the world into Trump Tower and saying ”make yourself at home!”
    Too bad Latesha, too bad…

  3. At some point these gangsters should get nervous as they are corruptly messing with a guy who in all likelihood will be President again. Since they aren’t, makes me think there is no risk of that happening. If nothing else works, they’ll probably kill him, not like they haven’t done it before.

    I would like to see the traitors in the CIA and FBI tried for treason, and given the death penalty. Right down the National Mall, a long gallows platform, no hoods, no views obstructed, and leave the bodies hang for long enough the birds can pick the corpses. That would be justice.

  4. And despite all the defcon 5 attacks against him, Trump has yet to break a sweat.
    And with each passing day as Trump stands firm another layer of corruption gets exposed.

    Anyone else would have been curled up in a fetal ball in the corner begging for mercy.

  5. When all the cases have been disposed of, Trump should sue all the prosecutors and their jurisdictions in Federal Court in Florida for malicious prosecution. A billion in damages and three billion in punitive damages sounds good.

  6. Ugggh … it happened to me again. My post instantly disappeared.

    I had just typed out a long (but informative) post about how Cesar Sayoc received 20 years in Federal Prison for deploying FAKE pipe bombs … and musing about how many FBI Officials will get sentenced to 20 years in prison for doing the same.

      1. a cpl tricks
        1st, if it disappears, DO A PAGE BACK right away then a ‘copy’ to hold onto the text. (try it with a good one it PUTS YOU BACK INTO THE ‘POST A MESSAGE’ SCREEN voila!)
        then what l do is ‘dice it up’ as many or few words it will ‘allow’ and each add’l portion is a ‘reply’ to the previous.
        ps l learned that posting to MSN news items, THAT filter is hypersensitive.
        but too stooooopid to ‘connect’ the ‘sentiment’ of one reply to the next
        and the next
        and the next. voila again !!!
        hey there always a trick, loophole or detour. find it.

        1. Thanks for the suggestions:

          I think mine got 86’d because I used certain key words that are flagged and linked to the House Judiciary website.

          In short, the FBI knows specifically who did it (even have the plate number on his vehicle)…the House Judiciary committee sent a letter on 5/24/23 to that effect to the FBI. And it was promptly ignored.

        2. Yes, now I am finally doing that as a habit. Too much work for a serial poster such as me … but hey! Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

  7. Is this the same day they publicly beat a woman to death and shot another in the face point blank, because they didn’t want to cause panic?

    1. Yup. Saw a clip the other day of some idiot talking head on one of the typical garbage networks exclaiming Biden’s White House is in no way involved in any of the ridiculous indictments against Trump. Well the DOJ isn’t stifling it, is it? So yes, they are 100% involved. Garland, that POS, has made a huge mistake and he knows it. They insist on running with the lies as long as there are buyers. And there are always buyers.

  8. Our gubmint is not using social media algorithms to silo us.
    Trudeau is not gay.

  9. Fedsurrection. Just everyone please refer to it as this, as I’ve been doing all along. Thanks.

  10. Mr. 3D chess walked right into Jan 6th like a fool.. They had his number and they rolled him like a crooked traffic stop.. Notice how different he is now..

    1. Yeah … sorry … but you mean the same way Mr. 3d Chess walked right into COVID, walked into Dr. Fauxci, Dr. Birx, walked into Big Pharma, and Mike Pence? Mr. 3d Chess had/has to navigate an ever-changing minefield deployed with the sole purpose of DESTROYING him. Politics has always been a contact sport … but now the entire rule book has been thrown out. Look at the bullshite legal insurrections thrown at him.

      Sorry … Mr. 3d Chess is still playing … still popular … and still swinging. The PEOPLE are behind him.

    2. john”
      CIA has been at this game since 1947, with the help of the vatican and the FBI. Some one like you couldn’t handle 10% of what Trump has dealt with, so STFU.
