35 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. Another fine mess the progs shrouded in their “enlightenment ” have brought to a faltering society.
    One thing though are they ever around when the grenade they pull the pin on goes off ?
    And yes when your old or lived enough of life to be wise and ready to go, you should be free to choose.
    But what a bloody mess this is going to be.
    No wonder so many people are giving themselves moral lobotomies, and are just walking past whistling.
    When they get rid of suffering , there won’t be any real joy to be had.

    1. “And yes when your old or lived enough of life to be wise and ready to go, you should be free to choose.”

      That’s how we got here.

      1. We got here because of Modern Liberalism their shallow wit , unaccountably, and peoples aversion to righteous anger.
        THAT’s how we got here.
        Just wait until the first teen or should I say mature minor lines up to be put out of their misery. And a professional okays it.

  2. Robert Latimer was made a hero for murdering Tracy. Where did you think this would end up?

    1. my daughter who suffers CMT was adult at the time and loudly pointed out the hypocrisy among other things and fiercely protested Latimer’s actions fearing its going to be made easy without consent.
      well lOOkit whut we’se got.
      l tell people 30 years ago if anyone helped Sue Rodriguez off herself they risked imprisonment.

      now same for talking her out of it.

      because Liberal.

  3. “Preventing a Calgary woman’s medically assisted death would cause her irreparable harm…”

    Who the f- are these people? Do they think we really buy this cr@p? Are you kidding me?

    1. Do yourself a disservice, as I did, and read the comments at the Calgary Herald. You will find there is a lot of support for MAiD in all its forms. Very sad.

      1. Question: what percentage of public comments on a controversial topic that one sees online are made by A.I. bots “hired” by one side or the other?

        I’ll bet the percentage is shockingly high. Has anyone ever looked into this?

        1. bots.
          jeezuz murphy.
          allow me to offer a caution. l got in IT 1970 out 1995.
          my hunches were most part accurate, sometimes happening faster but then that was the nature of the beast.
          from what l saw then and have sensed since the unheard of power of the microchip and infinite storage and speed and coverage . . . . its frightening how much is automated and appearing legit.
          l studied robots all the way back to animatronics 1800s.
          indistinguishable because it is generated in digital form right from the start including of course legit authentic recordings. they all have the same starting point, bits of information.
          imagine a digitizer used to archive old movies trained to fake it by inserting random pits and scratches in the image.
          really convincing, thus in one swoop they have brought all of the existing record into question, when quantum processing can fake it seamlessly.
          watch for reports of archeological writings, undiscovered paintings etc.

          my great fear its heading in the direction l used as a scenario, 30 years ago, whereby a mobster gets AV experts to flawlessly put him in a video 500 miles from the crime and everyone there either didnt see him leave or saw him the whole time.

          we are on the cusp of this.

          my great fear is the consequences of AI on evidentiary criteria.

          1. Uh, I didn’t mean to go all the way there Mr. Philip K. Dick, I just mean that online advocacy and the impression of broad public support and/or disapproval can be easily purchased these days, and I suspect this happens more frequently than many suspect. For example I know Instrgram accounts from aspiring nobodies that seem to have all these “likes” and I just assume that many are bought.

      2. An army of sock puppets, bought and paid for by whoever is pushing MAiD on the rest of us.

        I wonder again if there are enough street lamps in Ottawa to get the job done.

        1. I suspect there are various degrees of sock puppet armies pushing all sorts of things so in “going along to get along” (it’s the Canadian Way) with some supposed groundswell of public support or approval, you may be being grossly manipulated. Reminds me of rapper Zuby’s #1 rule in “20 Things I Have Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During the Pandemic”: MOST PEOPLE WOULD RATHER BE IN THE MAJORITY, THAN BE RIGHT.

          Not enough lamposts indeed…

    2. “…dying with dignity”

      It is hard to think of more revolting euphemism. Submitting yourself to an execution by a government hit man is the least dignified way to die. There is more dignity in hanging yourself or kissing the upcoming train than there is in letting a state executioner do it to you as their final act of dominance.

  4. The line – which I predict shall live in infamy – “preventing a Calgary woman’s medically assisted death would cause her irreparable harm, a judge ruled Monday” now ranks up there with “we had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

    Yet again, to paraphrase what Jay Leno once said about Hollywood Boulevard, if God doesn’t destroy Canada, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.

    1. “we had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

      Just like the Dems 5 years from now, when they speak of the 2024 Presidential election,,,
      “we had to destroy democracy,,, to save it”

  5. “Canadian health care is horribly broken. When I get in trouble I want MAID to spare me the agony.”

    Mission Accomplished, Canada. We fixed health care by getting all the patients to remove themselves from the waiting list and thank us for the privilege.

    1. exactamundo.
      they set the rules and rhen rigged the game with reductions in funding and services the whole card game, so that citizens would *tend* to wind up with health conditions leading to MAiD.
      self funding unlike anything else Libs have going. and be certain *when the payoffs to govt start showing up* they will be unable to stop the evolution to COMPULSORY

    1. Killing is ‘care’ and not killing ‘irreparable harm’.

      I wonder what happens if these people travel to Europe and explain they need asylum because their government is not providing treatment but planning to ‘let’ them die. Disabled, autistic woman risks to be killed, that should be automatic asylum.

  6. Feasby said his ruling did not foreclose the daughter changing her mind before the procedure is completed.

    But she has autism. Isn’t that by definition a mind disease? How can someone with a compromised mind make a life-ending choice to begin with? And how can she change her damaged mind? Or is she simply “somewhere on the spectrum” as now 1 in 36 children are “diagnosed” with autism?


    Is the goal to MAID 1 in 36 children? Is the goal to rid society of all mental defects? Uh, yeah … Dr. Mengele’s got NOTHING on Trudeau’s Canada … speaking of mental defects.

  7. Justice Colin Feasby make him infamous…

    “”Ophelia Black is addicted to opioids. Her addiction has nearly killed her several times. I am satisfied that this is an appropriate case in which to grant an interim injunction,” said Justice Colin Feasby in his ruling.
    “The evidence at this stage of the litigation shows that Miss Black has a strong position that her constitutional rights have been infringed, that she would suffer irreparable harm, and it is clear that the balance of convenience weighs in her favour.””

    He seems to be using “suffer irreparable harm” a lot since he became a judge in 2021

    He was also presiding over the case of AHS v Johnston, which invent the new to Alberta tort of Harassment: https://ablawg.ca/2023/07/31/mind-the-gap-a-new-tort-of-harassment-in-alberta/

    In this case, he seems to be incurious as to what medical condition is afflicting the person requesting MAiD, and the only stated condition seems to be Autism?

  8. That judge needs to be judged.
    And I wonder if the f**ker has ever heard of buyer’s remorse.

    How soon till RAID (Rifle Assistance In Dying) is legal or all the laws have become moot?

    1. If judges can kill people, expect people wanting to kill people study law for their career.

  9. ‘because I have respected your autonomy‘

    Where was this ‘respect for your autonomy’ when the lockdowns and vaccine mandates were going on? These assholes just make it up as they go along.

    1. You might ask where “respected your autonomy” was when he was ruling on AHS v Johnston

  10. A grotesque black farce.
    From our coat of arms the Canadian govt & its judicial assassins needs a kick to the backside;
    “A mari usque ad mare” (From sea to sea) from the rivers to the ends of the earth.
    Psalm 72:8
    You are heartily welcome!
    C in C
    1st St Nicolaas Army
    Army Group True North

  11. So let’s get this straight. Refusing to allow her to kill herself is irreparable harm but helping her to do it is not? Being dead seems to be about as irreparable and harmful to a body as it gets. And no backsies on death either!
