20 Replies to ““On the right is a more recent picture.””

  1. The 16 year olds got killed because they were killers and were probably killed for their actions against a gang that did not want them around. And a hearty farewell from this corner.

    1. Kamelala Harris has been tasked with discovering the underlying reasons for the murders of yet two more fine young Afro-American youths. Her early diagnosis is; structural, systemic, racism, and a capitalist economic system that only rewards hard work and education.

  2. That expression has been getting a lot of traction lately, and I don’t tire of it. The same media will tell you crime is down. Good news, no doubt saved a few real innocent lives. When the Democrat party of black Americans want to admit and address the problem as real thinking adults, I might pay attention. Until then, I don’t care.

    1. Crime is down, because people stopped reporting it when the police don’t do anything on orders from the political leaders.

  3. I just avoid the legacy media as rather than wasting time “hating” them, I have no interest in being told how to think by propagandists. The “Great Society” has done much of this to black families resulting in feral youth and tribal existence.

    1. Just remember, John … we’ve been bullied into believing that … “anything can be a family”. Fathers are extraneous. And in fact, an intact two-parent, male and female family is now considered a “privilege”. And trust me, the word “privilege” isn’t used in a positive sense of the word, but as a somehow unearned benefit of heteronormative, Christian, colonialist, capitalist society.

  4. The left side of our countrymen and the media have no idea how much they are hated. Here it comes!

  5. In the twitter comments, one person posted, “…people should not be portraying them as upstanding citizens by any means in my opinion. Not sure why the media seems to do this frequently.”

    Not sure why the media does this??????
    Only “seems” to do this???

    Oh man, I cannot even begin…
    Yes, my friends, They Walk Among Us.

    1. Alas, Reader, the World has been deprived of two young promising rocket surgeons. It was their dream once they eventually managed to learn to read.

    1. theyre inseparable and almost indistinguishable, symbiotic, ‘2 sides same coin’ thang.

  6. The media sanctified George Floyd, a known violent felon. They buried the autopsy results showing toxic levels of drugs in his system, severe co-morbidity, and no neck trauma. They supported the heinous persecution of the police officers attempting to restrain a large male resisting arrest. Now we have here two young angels being deprived of a long and productive life.

    1. And the homicide rate of young black males in America doubled. Not to mention the increase in killing cops and random attacks on whites, because who cares? Great work all around guys!
