Thursday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  The unhappy generation.  Old Joe gives a speech.

Blackie’s Canada:  Liberal MP compares Poilievre to the Nazis again.  A diversity outbreak in Toronto.

The Planet Is Boiling News:  Debunking climate alarmism.  The Germans are fed up with the Green Party.

Today In Islam:  Abuse by Hamas captors.  Preparing for a diversity outbreak in Austria.  I wonder if Justin has funny allah socks.  A moderate Muslim scholar in San Francisco.

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

21 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. Re Peterson vs Destiny (‘s child)….a perfect example of intellectual distortion wherein multiple syllable words obfuscate understanding a topic. Destiny’s left leaning, thick headedness might be helped by learning to listen, although that is doubtful.

    1. That is for Damned Sure VOWG.
      They are the Liberal, NDP, Green and Bloc Parties.
      100% identical in nature to the NSDAP.

  2. “Imagine how the western political-media class would be acting if Russia or China was bombing and starving a walled-in population of two million, half of them children. Seriously, imagine it. Imagine the rage and vitriol. Imagine the nonstop media coverage.

    It’s almost cliché at this point to say “imagine if Russia or China did this”, but such comparisons are important for retaining a sense of perspective on just how evil the western political-media class is being about Gaza right now. We’re seeing articles come out in the mass media about starvation in Gaza which never once even mention the word “Israel”. Do you think that would be happening if this were being perpetrated by a government which defies the western empire? Of course not.”

    1. Caitlin Johnstone is a 100 percent crowdfunded rogue journalist, bogan socialist, anarcho-psychonaut, guerilla poet and utopia prepper living in Australia with her American husband and two kids. She writes about politics, economics, media, feminism and the nature of consciousness. She is the author of the illustrated poetry book “Woke: A Field Guide For Utopia Preppers.”

      Matt, you quote the stupidest, least informed and worst left wing crap you can find. It would appear that you’re one of them. What is your purpose here?

    2. Starving?
      According to yesterdays news, Gazans don’t want our aid, they find it offensive….Starve away then.

      1. I am not so sure Steakman, rats seem to be able to survive just about anything, just look at Ottawa.

  3. i have said it before and I will say it again. Before gunning down kids at a concert terrorists never scream In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti

  4. Dear Leader is having a wonderful time in B.C. at taxpayer expense. Today he visits some child care centres to explain to the kiddies why he should be worshipped. Then he appears on one of his CBC shows.

  5. Re: Ramadan Chow. So we can publicly celebrate Ramadan and Ishtar (whatever the hell that is) but we’re not allowed to say Merry Christmas or Happy Easter?

    Why do they put up with these rude, bigoted interrupters at their events? Kick those sonofabitches out of there and let the door hit them in ass on their way out, or at least help them to taste the concrete.

    1. Ishtar – pagan god of love, sexuality, and wouldn’t you know it, war. AKA Venus, Aphrodite.

      “The return of the gods” by Jonathan Cahn explains the pagan gods.

  6. when are you guys going to do a “today in Judaism” section ffs. My goodness the whole industry including the alternative is captured

  7. Nice of Chow to submit to Sharia Law, has she no idea that Islamic nations mandate the Hijab? It appears the pro-Hamas movement has been hijacked by BLM and White Karens, have at liberals have at it.

  8. “Out of respect to her invited Muslim guests for an Iftar dinner in City Hall’s council chamber Tuesday evening, Mayor Olivia Chow wore a hijab.”

    WTF is Comrade Chow doing inviting anyone to a “Iftar” dinner in the council chamber of city hall?

    1. I thought her reputation was as an “AFTER” dinner speaker? Ah, the accent can be hard to penetrate.

  9. What kind of political system allows a man clearly suffering from dementia to run for president? It’s not even funny. It’s cruel to Biden, and it’s cruel to the citizenry.
