Carbon Tax Day!

First, Quick Dick McDick takes another swipe at the federal carbon tax, from the calving barn.

Then, Senator Pamela Wallin interviews Pipeline Online editor and owner Brian Zinchuk re carbon tax.

And, in an unrelated column, Brian Crossman talks about the significance of washing your work truck. It’s actually pretty important for a number of reasons. Call it “Work Truck Therapy.”

34 Replies to “Carbon Tax Day!”

  1. Heh. Totally with you on the truck washing bit, even though my truck isn’t a “work truck” per se. Don’t know what it is…OCD or whatever but I’m an absolute demon of making sure my truck is spotless inside and out, I even have a lambswool duster in my door compartment. It bugs me to no end to see trucks come into my neighbourhood as if they drove 40 miles of gravel road on a wet day. Ugh!! Spend a toonie or two and rinse the damn thing off…it looks like hell.

  2. I’d love to see a country wide protest, when your gas/power bill comes- pay it without submitting the carbon tax. Why should we be financially raided to appease a government that holds us in contempt, if we paid the bills sans the tax at least we can keep the gas and power on.

  3. I really wish farmers and oil and gas pipelines would stop providing food and energy to urban snobs. Just for a while… maybe a month or so.

  4. If you need any more proof that our leaders are fundamentally stupid, here is another quote from Wilkinson.

    “The government is opposed to using government money to fund inefficient fossil fuel subsidies… We are not interested in investing in LNG facilities,” Wilkinson said on CTV. “That’s the role of the private sector. They need to assess the business case and make the investments.”

    So the government is not interested in “inefficient” investments? That is the role of the private sector?

  5. Let’s be fair, the government is going to use the “carbon” tax to fix the environment and repair the global warming issue. It’s just that they haven’t yet figured out how to erect the scaffolding to start the job!

    Be patient, they’ll have it all done by 2124, and stop that pesky .0001 temperature increase in it’s tracks!

  6. Confused American here. I watched QDM, and loved his bit about “why would you ask a budget officer?” However, I noticed that only 7 provinces were listed in the second chart he showed. What happened to the other three provinces – BC, Quebec, and my former neighbors in New Brunswick? Are they exempt? If so, why?

    1. BC has their own carbon tax, Quebec does cap and trade and is untouchable and NB just got rid of their own provincial tax that had no rebate.

    2. B.C. has their own carbon tax which works in lockstep with the federal tax. The B.C. government admits that one third of all households in B.C. do not qualify for the rebate, so I suppose the government makes a tidy profit.

      I suspect the fed’s claim of returning 90% of the carbon dioxide tax is BS.

      1. The claim still isn’t true, for 2021-2022 per the last budget document, they returned about 60%, they projected to return 89.6% for 2022-2023, but still don’t have the final numbers on that one.

        And even if the government does refund all of it to individuals, it doesn’t come close to the damage that is done as a result of increased costs throughout the supply chain.

        Lets take an example, a tomato farmer who grows tomatoes in a greenhouse. The $30k he now pays in carbon tax increases the cost of his tomatoes , the $5k his shipper pays in increased fuel costs increases the costs of those tomatoes, the $2.5k in carbon tax that the buy pays to get the tomatoes to the store increases the cost, the $2.5k in additional carbon tax the retailer has to pay to heat his store, also increases the costs. And finally the cost to you the consumer to buy fuel to get to the store (which is the only part the bank of Canada considered) is an additional cost.

        1. And don’t forget that the government needs $0.17 of every $1.00 it touches just to pass it through – such is their efficiency (their numbers not mine). So a 100% return would be giving back $0.83 of every dollar they touch.

          1. ^ gotta love government efficiency.

            How many jobs and layers of bureaucracy did the carbon tax fraud create?

        2. I was part of an effort to get rid of toll roads in Maine, since we already had a mechanism for collecting road tax – the fuel tax – that did not involve building booths, hiring hacks, etc. The constant refrain among our ultimately successful opponents was “those big trucks should pay their way.” Like we’re driving up to Aroostook for a vacation.

          As a trucker, I tried to explain that we don’t pay taxes – whoever is the final user for whatever we’re hauling pays the tax. I learned that persuasion doesn’t work when people would rather delude themselves, and our governments know this and use it to make the population more dependent.

    3. Hey bud, appreciate your interest and question. Just realize we who live here are just as quizzical about what’s happening. Here’s a handy guide, go to the Election’s Canada website, search for the electoral map. Look for the red and orange, that is the only part that matters. The rest of us are chum in the water

  7. The Carbon dioxide tax is a scam.
    The global warming/climate crisis is a scam.
    Big Canadian Government is becoming even more intolerant and belligerent.

  8. Your dirty PM conveniently ignores the knock-on inflationary effect of a 23% carbon tax increase. Dude! Every single consumer commodity from food to merchandise will go up by 23%. Does he believe that some mysterious “rich” industrialist will pay the tax and not pass it on to the consumer? What a Drama Teacher Queen … telling tales of his great crusade against the climate changing and DESTROYING Canada. How much longer can this utter LIE be propagated? Are Trudeau’s subjects that ignorant?

  9. You $%^%&$& morons are all for “harm reduction laws”, because the lot of you are a bunch of *%*&^$%&^ useless ^%&*$%*&%^ cowards scared of e-bike batteries, guns, lawn-darts and whatever the ^&&*%*&*^*( else some aholes program you to fear, so suck it up, aholes!!!

  10. The Finnish mating dance with the extra extra anti assault law seems like a lauretian elite idea. Right up there with central storage of firearms.

    How absolutely idiotic can one be?

    1. Yes QDM obviously failed his high school science class when he claims CO2 is pollution. CO2 is a plane nutrient and without it plants die.

  11. So Canadians vote in morons to run the government, and when the morons implement laws and resrictions that reduce our standard of living we bitch, grouse and complain about the morons in power and come election time we vote the morons back into power. We’ve been doing that for the better part of 157 years, and we haven’t learned yet. Stupid is as stupid does.

    For every Canadian there are 35 Chinese and 35 Indians, does anybody really believe that 40,000,000 Canadians can reduce greenhouse gases and stop global warming? If we reduced energy consumption in Canada to zero tomorrow morning by all dying in our sleep tonight we would have accomplished nothing.
