The New Police State

Not only can the Scottish police now charge you with “hate speech” on a wide variety of topics, but they can do so based on criteria that drops any  and all pretense of objectivity. It seems that for Scots the best way to avoid prison would be to tape their mouths shut and abandon social media.

Asked whether “misgendering” someone or making a comment about their religion would be a crime the minister replied: “This will be up to Police Scotland. I wouldn’t say misgendering if you say something on social media for example it would be up to Police Scotland to determine.”

Rest assured, however, the police will move heaven and earth to investigate such “high level” crimes:

Just last month the national force said it was no longer able to investigate every “low level” crime, including some cases of theft and criminal damage.

It has, however, pledged to investigate every hate crime complaint it receives.

52 Replies to “The New Police State”

  1. It’s just a gut feeling, but I don’t think this law will work out the way the socialist nationalist party of Scotland and its racist leader think it will.

    1. One thing about Europe over history. They are usually late to the party through apathy, disorganization and procrastination. BUT, when they finally get fed up and take positive steps to resolve a situation, it is usually VERY VERY BLOODY.

    2. In Saskatchewan they will soon be checking your social media for hate speech while demanding you blow at the traffic stops. Rights? What rights.

  2. File a thousand hate crime complaints about every politician that passed this legislation.

    1. An excellent suggestion.
      The possible drawback is that the police, being corrupted by the same politicians, won’t touch them if they said Muhammad was a bullfrog.

      1. Yep, people won’t get their rights back by asking the government nicely.

        One of the ways prairie farmers got rid of the Canadian Wheat Board was by repeatedly breaking the law and getting arrested/charged for selling their own grain, which embarrassed the federal government. Civil disobedience helped women got voting rights. Ignoring and refusing to obey alcohol prohibition got it overturned in the US. The Saskatchewan government is refusing to collect the federal carbon tax on home heating. History is full of examples where breaking and ignoring oppressive laws, civil disobedience, is effective.

        The ruling class and chattering class will tell us that we *must* always respect and obey federal laws but that’s just because they are blindly conformist and obedient to authority when it’s their preferred political party in power (and the government giving them truckloads of taxpayer money helps buy their compliance).

        1. History is often made by people who broke the rules. One only needs to look at the Founding Fathers of the US as a prime example.

  3. J.K. Rowling has issued a series of “Come and get me” missives on X . Should be interesting.

    1. “JK Rowling has challenged Scotland’s new hate crime law in a series of social media posts – inviting police to arrest her if they believe she has committed an offence.

      The Harry Potter author, who lives in Edinburgh, described several transgender women as men, including convicted prisoners, trans activists and other public figures.

      She said “freedom of speech and belief” was at an end if accurate description of biological sex was outlawed.”

      and more…

      1. Nice to see some women with testicles in these Scary Government times.

        Sad to see so few men likewise afflicted.

        1. “Nice to see some women with testicles in these Scary Government times.”

          For sure….loved her response to this. Must be nice to have so much FU money.

    2. The article points out they expect many accusations of JK Rowling for her ‘hate speech’ (aka points of view from anyone who is normal), but I note they didn’t address how many complaints could come from her for all the hate speech she puts up with. Now… do ya think her complaints would be investigated in the same manner as the complaints against her? Logic suggests that it would be a two way street but lived experience says ‘ain’t going to happen’. Funny that.

  4. It has, however, pledged to investigate every hate crime complaint it receives.

    Conservatives really need to stop Backing the Blue and realize that the police are not your friends.

    1. Yep…they’re paycheque cashing a-holes…just like everyone else on the government dime…’cept they’re armed. Use or words…got neither for the lot.

        1. Most of them will…easy peasy work and it’ll be en vogue! Why bother with the hard work of going after real crime at the risk of SIU hassles and maybe catching a bullet? My money says most cops would prefer to run out the overtime clock in court so the state can shake down keyboard warriors. Most of those a-holes could care less…payday is every other Thursday.

          1. My son always wanted to be a cop. When he was in high school, I took him to meet with the recruiting sergeant of our local police service to find out what criteria they looked for in applicants. He said that, among other things, there was an element of courage involved because sometimes you had to run down a dark alley after the bad guy. Perhaps not, if you can connive to spend all your time at the computer investigating pronoun abuses.

        2. They take the money, don’t they?

          Maybe if they all threatened to quit I’d have some respect for ’em.

    2. It’s not the Blue….it’s the politicians. Your stupid comments about cops make me puke.

      1. Yup, it’s the blue. They’d rather show up at someones house for posting something on-line, than do the work to breakup the Asian grooming gangs that are sexually abusing young UK girls. or the drug gangs, or the FGM “surgeons” that still preform the clitoris and labia removal.
        It’s like the rcmpers here in SK, that will waste your time and theirs to give a breath test at every stop in April, even with no obvious reason,,, (maybe it’ll continue after), As if they have solved all the crime in the prov, and have rounded up all the criminals that have outstanding warrants(like the stabber at the JS cree nation.
        It’s just easier to spend the day doing breath tests.

      2. Duh.
        “We were just following orders”.
        A State of Thuggery,requires Thugs.
        “Law and Orders”.
        “Good Government”.
        “We had to destroy society to save it”.
        “we are here to help you.(left unsaid)..We are from the Government”.
        Left unsaid..into dependence,poverty and servitude,while we feast at your expense…

    1. re Marc in Calgary and the X link;

      The list of people he called out as “white” are actually “Scottish First Nation” people. He,,, as a newcomer,,, should have more respect for the “First Nation” people of Scotland.

  5. It must be embarrassing for a serious person to be a creepy voyeur. How do these hallway monitors (in the most perjorative sense) get to be called policeman? Why can’t they be described as nasty, intrusive, old hags from the primitive village.

  6. Erase real women out of society, pass laws that will jail real women who oppose their male replacements. Check, I’d do jail time before I will validate males posing as women.

    1. It’s why they always have to meet in person, so their nefarious plans are off the record, without documentation.
      Covid Zoom meetings, proved that politicians don’t have to fly anywhere, meet and hand shake. All legitimate government business can been done with modern tech, it’s the cheesy deals and filling their offshore bank accts that needs to be done in person, under the table.

  7. Scotland, once a favourite destination of mine, has just been dropped from the list of possible vacations. Can’t risk the possibility that a stray comment in a distillery tasting room could make me a permanent guest of the marxist state.

  8. We should just nuke Scotland to put these people out of their misery and to ensure this insanity doesn’t take spread over here.

    …..oh who am I kidding? We’re practically at this stage as well.

  9. Hadrian would surely be building a wall to keep the Scots out these days, but not for the same reasons as days of yore.

    One could argue that every drop of manhood and sanity has long emigrated from the British Isles, then one realizes….. Canada, Australia, New Zealand?
    Nah that’s definitely not it.

  10. Punishing and imprisoning citizens for stating a biological fact.
    The Government is racist and completely corrupt.

  11. Well what did you expect of a people whose men wore dresses to battle. But at least they were real scary men back then. Now Scotland is becoming pussified. (no insult to women intended). Who would have thunk?

  12. Scared of lawn darts and cigarette vending machines? Have I got some laws for you!
    ^&%*(^*(&^*( bunch of puss*(^(* fag^&&*%*& limp-wristed useless &**(&&(^^&$!!!!

  13. As usual, the process will be the punishment: “We have some questions for you.”

  14. Question the cops??
    Who pays yer wages?
    Their answer may tell you all you need to know.
    Of course you will have to extort that information using FOIA and by exploring hidden budget data..
    Why are we paying any of these helpers?
    For on what payroll were those masked morons in Ottawa beating on honest truckers?
    Anyone know?3 years later..
    When theft and abuse is the only “service” provided by the minions of this State of Thuggery..why contribute?
    And for those on that payroll..Being On the Take,makes you as guilty as those you obey.

  15. How on earth was a street shi**er elected First Minister? There go my dreams of doing the whisky trail as I can’t control my thoughts, or my mouth after a wee dram or two.

  16. uhuh.
    know what group is NEVER mentioned in the protected groups?
    lengthy age old lists frowned upon bigotry oh it still exists,
    what lm asking what form of prejudice is so common and pervasive
    so what attribute, trait is it missing but UNIVERSALLY ALLOWED?

    ugly people.

    you can be in a multitude other categories but if your face overlaps this one too bad suckah.

  17. For example, it states that it is a defence for a person charged with stirring up hatred to show that their actions were “reasonable.”


    Alrighty then….(ahem) Mohammad was a pedophile. A majority of Egyptians of the Nubian Peninsula regularly have sex with family members.

    How am I doing at being reasonable….which I conclude to mean “true.”

    1. Heh,remember in Can Ahh Duh,it is official..”Truth is NOT a defence when faced with a Human Rights Tribunal”.
      So a reasonable person must conclude that they have no Rights nor Freedoms .

      Oh right,reasonable something something..Under Pierre Le Idiot’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms..Canadians don’t have any.
      And the Human Rights Bull Crap,strips us of those legal rights we inherited from being Freemen and their descendants.
      When the “Future Crimes Tribunals ” start,will I be guilty of the Crimes They are writing upon my soul?
      All Hail the State of Thuggery.

  18. Put all the politicians, judges, cops and attorneys in jail for “super hate speech” and “super hate actions” that had anything to do with these laws or individual cases as soon as the government leadership switches.

    Mutually assured destruction is the only way they’ll get it.

  19. “The peasants are revolting”.
    Every 80 years.
    The Greedy Evil Bastards or GEB for short have always feared independent persons.
    Being small of spirit themselves,they believe everyone is just like them.
    So they must control all.
    Or someone else will control them.
    There is no getting along with such fools.
    Evil=Compound Stupidity.
    And have we got a surfeit of Stupid.
