11 Replies to “The Thrill Of Public Transport”

  1. As someone else commented, is this parody? Great start to Easter Monday, though 🙂

  2. ha ha ha !!!
    from a bloke who
    -got kicked off the transit bus forDARING to point out someone was waving a RETINA DAMAGING laser pointer all over the place, and
    -blamed for defending myself against a drunk that kicked me in the leg at the VIA train station

    given that obviously l am NOT permitted to defend myself OR the interests and well being of others,
    ‘cold day in HELL’ before l EVER intervene in public.
    lve also stopped all volunteer work, charitable donations except animal welfare,
    refuse to even engage in ‘civic duty’ crap like clearing storm drains and reporting burned out street lites.

    the kicker: just before covid l YANKED MY NAME OFF THE ORGAN DONOR REGISTRY.

    fcuk u society, fcuk u authorities, fcuk u ‘dating scene’

  3. So. Haleema admits that wearing the hijab is an inadequate means of deterring male sexual advances. A wise admission. My suggestion? A nice lightweight Glock 9mm with hollow points.

  4. And BART … what the hell is … “gender expansive youth”. Thanks for giving me reason #863 for never riding BART ever again. Because there are never any “gender expansive youth” in my personal automobile. Ever.

  5. Oh look! Poor bashing.
    There exist folk who need public transit to feed their kids.
    Of course, you all would rather see demographic suicide than to admit that the poor exist and have kids.

    1. I had no idea “Yaveh” was code for “dickhead troll who gets a thrill from trying to be clever by inserting moronic cant at any opportunity in order to gain the appearance of legitimate commentary.” There you go.

      1. “I had no idea “Yaveh” was code for “dickhead troll who gets a thrill from trying to be clever by inserting moronic cant at any opportunity in order to gain the appearance of legitimate commentary.” There you go.”

        It’s probably our resident climate troll ‘Jenn’, branching out.
