27 Replies to “The Trend is Not Your Friend”

  1. I’ve read multiple pieces over the last 2 weeks about our “productivity gap” with Canada growing it’s GDP by 4% in the same time the US grew it by 40%.

    None of these pieces include the word “Tax”, let alone discussed the destructive effect of the Justin Trudeau Carbon Tax.

    Also, note, his whole post is to promote his work, which contains a whackload of assumptions.

    1. I’ve read a number of pieces recently pointing out that a significant portion of US GDP growth is actually from the public sector and financed by debt. Inflation aside, debt is not growth. Presumably the situation is the same in Canada, therefore, things are even more dire than the article suggests.

      1. They should subtract deficit spending from GDP to get actual GDP. With deficit spending around 3% of GDP and GDP around 2% …

  2. Slowly at first.
    Then all at once.
    When you travel the same road as Zimbabwe and Venezuela,why would you expect a different destination?
    Our Leaders have betrayed us.

    Stealing from generations unborn ,yet,is treason.
    National debt being theft of our children’s future.
    And basic domestic economics state,that if you produce no product that others want to purchase,while spending as if you have infinite wealth…You go broke.

    Of course the “cost” of food is increasing,because the value of our money is shrinking.
    When a government seeks to prevent every means of production while instituting massive welfare handouts and destructive taxation,what did they figure would happen to our foreign exchange rates?.
    Soon enough we will be mugged for the wheelbarrow as we seek to purchase a loaf of bread,the worthless currency will be dumped to the winds as the wheelbarrow will represent “usable wealth”.

    1. because CanaDUH *demands* to put that one, the well known, the prominent, the anointed, the TURDeau, into the PMO; just[inTURDeau] the one that can do it.
      in broad terms liberalism in exacting terms TURDeauism.
      its been building since 1968 rah rah sizz boom bah pierre saved us!!!!!

  3. Its getting to the point where beating the shit out of Liberal/NDP voters isn’t a fantasy, but a survival strategy.

  4. AB/Sask. should continue with their long term plan to separate from tier 2 Canada while their socialist haven unravels slowly, slowly, then all at once.

    Pierre P. and the Conservatives will win the next Canadian federal election, probs the one after that as well, but at some point in time the #Libranos / NDP will return to power, and they’ll remember the fiasco of Justin Trudeau being turfed out of office in spite of all the good he tried to do to/for us. The return of the #Libranos will be with a vengeance to “get even” and extract what they deem to be their rightful property from the west.

    Better to be a soldier in a garden, than a gardener in a war, western Canadian provinces should have a plan to foil the wishes of the criminals in the #Libranos, by separating into their own nation with real rights, property rights, freedom of speech… and all of your favorites! and not joining the U.N. WHO etc…

    Get out AB/Sask., before someone has to wade in and retell the story of the frog in boiling water (again…) for the new kids…

  5. Far left liberals and NDP spending like drunken sailors .. All things green with an identity politics cherry on top..
    Almost ten years of being run by a “special needs” grade 7 social studies class.. They are useless as the voters who support them..

    I’m thinking long and hard on cashing out on Canada and I was born here.. Sell everything and move to a fly over State in the USA.. While I still can..

  6. What a utopia that is being created for all of us from the goverment in power.
    Its a race to the bottom and perhaps that’s the goal, you have to burn it all down to reconstruct it.

  7. Oh come on! Work harder, save your money, etc.
    That’s what conservatives have been saying ever since the mode income was enough to pay off a house in 10 years. I’m sure you will all get back to poor-bashing once PP is elected, but for now you pretend to GAF.

    1. @Yaveh – “Work harder, save your money, etc.”

      Apparently it’s hard for most to grasp, but it works.

      Everyone acting like it’s the first time in human history that people need to work harder and try to save a little to survive is a hilarious testament to the entitled bubble our western society has become.

      The Liberal entitlements coupled with Credit Economics so that those without the means could falsely live like kings is catching up to bite us ALL in the @ss now, thanks a lot dipshits.

    1. That guy has a credibility gap a mile wide: He said Christianity invented monogamy.
      Those that speak without lying are far and few between. Matt Christiansen is one of the very few.

  8. From here on out our average weight will drop like Venezuala’s did.
    Thanks Leftards.

  9. Australia is the same – GDP “grew” far less than 1% in the last 12 months, population grew by 2% or so. We have been in a GDP per capita recession for 18 months at least. And that’s based on the official data, so the truth will be worse. This is being done to all western (bar S Korea, Japan – wonder what the difference is?) nations by the unelected global elite. It is our collective punishment for creating modernity.

  10. I’ve got one of the three kids out of here, the second was almost gone but had to return. I am so close to being freed from this once glorious country, PP will inherit a failed state and there is nothing he will be able to do about it. The bureaucracy will fight him, and all the failures will be tied up in a bow and blamed on him and the Conservatives.

  11. What you get when you elect “leaders” and not servants. I do not need nor want a leader. I want competent servants working to make my country and government prosperous and free.

  12. 2015 per capita GDP – in US Dollars
    US – $52,000
    Canada – $43,000

    2022 per capita GDP
    US – $76,000 – up 46%
    Canada – 52,000 up 35%

    Where does the 105% figure come from??
    By the way Ireland is at $106,000 so, excuse me!!!

    1. 105% is the growth in difference, between the $9k that Canada was trailing the USA by, and the current $24k that Canada now trails the USA. I think that figure should be more than 105% but ….

      I think it’ll be much more than 105% if 2023 is included, and 2024 isn’t showing great promise either.
      As the growth in Canada’s GDP is hobbled daily by the federal #Libranos

    2. @John Galt III

      Note – “Public Sector – Educational services, health care and social assistance, and public administration”.

      “Main industrial sectors’ contribution to the percent change in gross domestic product in 2023”


      It’s not a good sign when your GDP growth is driven by Public Sector spending, and not with Agriculture, forestry, mining, Oil & Gas, construction, manufacturing etcetera……………….

  13. As usual, those who rule us create a problem.

    By design.

    And then use the expected damage to justify their continued problem creation, as well as other pre-planned programs to create even more damage.

    All of which makes us poorer, weaker, and chips away at our few remaining rights and freedoms. While also flooding us with waves of foreigners, who are encouraged not to assimilate.

    This is standard operating procedure for conquerors. And their puppets in government, media, “globalist” corporations, “educators”, etc. dutifully carry out their instructions.
