Carbon and lithium

Working through the periodic table:

Lithium in SK, Part 27: Lithium Bank sells Estevan area land to unnamed buyer

Those Lloydminster folks aren’t too happy about the carbon tax.

Nor are a bunch of other people happy about the carbon tax.

And regarding hydrogen and carbon in the form of methane and other natural gas liquids,

Pembina closes Alliance Pipeline deal with Enbridge

As a note, The Alliance Pipeline runs right through Saskatchewan. I started work on it three weeks after my May, 1999 wedding. I was the only guy on my road bore crew of 12 married once! Most were on their second marriage, a few on their third, one I think on his fourth. At that point you walk into a bar, find a woman you don’t like, and give her your house.

In six weeks, it’ll be 25 years for us. So that pipeline project has some meaning for me.


5 Replies to “Carbon and lithium”

  1. Brian,
    can you post a link that would better define the boundaries of the “Estevan Properties” by Section numbers,,, or miles west or east of Hwy #47 & miles north and south of Hwy #361,,, or a more detailed map of the “lands” involved for those properties. Thanks in advance.

  2. Fun fact on lithium. It’s rather a rare element given its atomic weight. It’s about the 44th most common element even though the third lightest. Beryllium has a similar problem. Lucky for us lithium is abundant in the Earth’s crust and plentiful in America, although those pesky Americans want their lithium but resist mining it themselves.

    The question is why is there so much lithium in Saskatchewan?

  3. Lloydminster aren’t the only people that are unhappy with this liberal tax!
    Isn’t it interesting that Francois Legault and Quebec don’t have to save the World from this co2 wild fire—–that is or will burn up the world!!!!——–Oh I heard that the Lear Jet company is sponsoring COP 29!
