Wednesday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada:  Chickens For KFC.  China owns the Liberal Party.  Giving B.C. back to the Indians (CBC).  Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to Toronto for a photo op.  China’s 13 ridings.

Dementia Joe’s America:  The myths about globalization.  A transgender day of violence.  The drag nuns.

Today In Islam:  Ramadan in Britain.  Hiding in a maternity ward.  Why no media outrage about Nigeria?

Your morning meme.   A cartoon.

21 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

  1. I suggest that all pride people, as in homosexuals, be given free transportation to Israel to join hamas and their struggle for freedom. s/

  2. Peaceful coexistence with the Haida people. W T F. No provincial government has the authority to give away any part of Canada to anyone.

    1. They don’t have the authority but they can choose to act like the Haida own it all.

      So if the Haida are a sovereign nation, that means they will no longer accept any funding from BC or Canada, right? Right?

      1. Hey, let’s not get carried away. By “sovereign nation”, they mean, “nation that panhandles coins off Englishmen”. Buddy, can you spare a sovereign?

    1. i seem to recall pictures by the nice folks from hamas of children holding ak47’s and smiling for the cameras.

    2. Murdered no doubt by the HAMAS terrorists to make for good photo ops for fools.

    3. Make sure you point out how much you supported them and hated the Israelis just before they hack your head off with a dull knife.

    4. Palestinian health ministry.
      Who is known to lie. A bunch. You should really read this before posting

    1. I don’t have any sympathy for anyone or anything associated with the UN. It’s an evil globalist organisation and has been since its inception. The UN “aid convoy” was helping to prop up the Gazan terrorists.

  3. Ref giving B.C. to the Indians.

    “Recognizing Aboriginal title isn’t in conflict with people who live on our territories,” he said.

    How do you say “not yet” in Haida?

    1. It isn’t a stretch to reason that if Crown land is now Haida land and private land was once Crown land, then that Crown land was illegitimately granted or sold off as private land and is rightfully Haida land. This is the BC government ceding their sovereignty to the Indians and in effect setting the stage for their own extinction which is actually a good thing if it were instantaneous as then no one has to follow any laws or pay taxes. Living under Indian law means which ever tribe kills the others, takes the most slaves etc, wins. IOW, whoever has the most guns is in charge. That’s one form of “reconciliation”, I guess.

  4. I reckon global trade is good on a macro-economic scale, AKA the globe, for the participants in it, and consumers who still have jobs, but not for those who have been rationalized. It is also not good for nation states’ strategic independence nor competition and free enterprise.

      1. Wrapping Twaddels in about 2,000 feet of plastic wrap, a la Saran, and propping him in a corner until he assumes room temperature would be a good thing, for Canada.

  5. “Some jurisdictional responsibilities such as health, education, transportation and fire and emergency services will remain in the hands of the province and municipalities on Haida Gwaii and the agreement won’t have an impact on current municipal boundaries or functions.”

    So still addicted to OPM

  6. Santa Blackie has been busy burning jet fuel around the country handing out free stuff. It seems to be working as a recent poll shows the Conservatives are down and the Liberals are up. Canadians love free stuff.
