Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Potemkin Presidency: She with a script, he with a teleprompter

Former ESPN host Sage Steele revealed that her 2021 interview with President Biden was “scripted” by network executives.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Steele recalled the “structured” nature of the pre-taped interview, so much so that her ESPN bosses handed her a “script” to go off of.

“That was an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured,” Steele said. “And I was told, ‘You will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script and go.’”

12 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. I think many of us know what a debate is and how it should be conducted. Those dog and pony shows called debates in politics are far from being debates. Useless talking points supposedly monitored by a talking head from a news group. Nope, not debates.

  1. I wonder if they’ll still be able to jazz him up with drugs for the election speeches this fall. State of the Union he was showing some major cracks.

    I’d be sympathetic for most any other old man being treated like this, but in #Let’sGoBrandon’s particular case, I feel that he’s earned it. What goes around, comes around.

    1. He has absolutely no sympathy from me, after looking at his watch 7 times in front of those gold star families when those caskets were unloaded at Dover AFB a couple years back. He is an evil POS.

  2. Dear professional writers and journalists. Remember all that money you spent for that fancy college degree? Remember the debasing behavior you went through to land the cushy job of which you dreamed? Good. Now for God’s sake, don’t end a sentence in a preposition.
    “In an interview with Fox News Digital, Steele recalled the “structured” nature of the pre-taped interview, so much so that her ESPN bosses handed her a “script” to go off of.”

    1. “…don’t end a sentence in (sic) ‘with’ a preposition.
      Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. Churchill.

      1. Forgive me. I happen to be hyper-annoyed after watching a multitude of interviews of college basketball players. There must have been six or seven of them that I watched. Not one of those individuals used proper grammar. If you asked them to conjugate the very “to be”….they would tell you: I be, you be, we be, they be.

        These are college students. It’s ridiculous, and embarrassing. Yet, they are too ignorant to be embarrassed.

        1. Orson, I was just funnin’ you. I share your hyper annoyance, being a pedantic grammarian of the old school and all that Strunk and Whyte Shite.
          Ask any of those college kids to understand and state of a simple sentence “what is the subject and what is the predicate”, and they would be at a loss.
          I now hate myself for the above clumsily written sentence.
          To think that I once earned a first class Honours degree in English, instructed by Profs who could read and write in Greek and Hebrew.
          As Vonnegut once wrote…”I am bipolar, and that’s how come I write so good.”
          OK, identify the 2 grammatical errors in Kurt’s funny sentence. I will wait.

          1. Child’s play. I grew up in a house with parents who doubled as teachers (back when public school had standards). I received the good v. well lecture to the extent that I would misuse them on purpose (and my parents enjoyed that more than they should have).

            And, that’s how come I learned it. ;D

  3. Freedom of the Press? Freedom to become a tool of the State? Fourth Estate? Hardly. The Press is an ass.
