… and the horse you rode in on, Charlie!

The member of parliament who on Feb. 5 introduced one of the most draconian laws against free speech (and that’s saying something in recent years) has decided not to run again in the next election. NDP MP Charlie Angus is calling it quits at the end of this term, after 20 years.

He’s the guy who wanted to ban promotion of fossil fuels, having introduced a private members bill which would have meant every ad on Pipeline Online, for instance, could incur up to a half million dollar fine.

37 Replies to “… and the horse you rode in on, Charlie!”

  1. It boggles the mind that his voters were stupid enough to keep electing this anti energy moron. Do they not see the need for heat sometimes in Timmins – James Bay?

    1. 20 years at the trough with zero accomplishments, sounds very similar to Bob Rae who is still sucking the teat

      1. Bob Rae was instrumental in the non-confidence motion that brought down Joe Clark in 1980 and stuck us once again with PET. Bob’s been sucking on the public teat for over half a century without once having a job in the real world.

        1. Bob did invent “Rae Days” which so PO’d the government unions that the NDP hasn’t sniffed re election since. Although that did mostly drive them to McGuinty, who was if anything, even worse.

      2. 20 years at the trough with zero accomplishments
        And a nice fat pension paid for by us!

    2. Really, have you looked around Canada (or any western country)? The world is full of stupid children who love to follow whatever makes them feel good, and they’re more than happy to attack you if you don’t do the same.

      1. U are right.

        It’s the only way to explain how Scotland elected Al Qaida to Prime Minister.

        1. No, that is the fault of “proportional representation” where a party keep reserve candidates which the public never gets to vote for or against, and should they under that system get extra seats they appoint those reserves with no public input.

          Scotland’s First Minister was appointed by the Scottish Nationalist Party who alos appointed him a member of parliament without the public ever voting for him.

  2. Throw grenades and retire. What a FILTHY Human. NDP’s Finest.
    Amazing how dumb your fellow Canadians are.

    1. Nah, we know how dumb our fellow Canadians are, it isn’t amazing but it sure is annoying. The stupid is strong out there Luke.

    2. Knowing how stupid is the average Canadian; it scares the crap out of us how stupid the lower half of Canadians are.
      (Yes, I just plagiarised Carlin.)

  3. He’s a guy who fancies himself a real fighter. A firebrand for the exactly wrong is really what he is. A charlatan who has run dry of idiotic and counter-intuitive notions.

      1. snaggy
        Why are there so many lefty joos and katholiks who are communist, or communist supporters?
        During the “cold war” 2 countries has viable communist parties, Italy, and Israel, and why do so many Katholiks walk hand in hand with communists in central america, south america, and africa , were priests, and bishops routinely support the same causes?
        Goofs like you just hate truth.

        1. When you write this stuff, GYYM, It confirms to all how dumb you are. This is Charlie Angus the FILTHY NDP MPP, not Charlie Angus the Catholic.
          NDP NDP.
          Say those FILTHY, NO GOOD letters -NDP, They own Charlie, and his useless career. Nobody will remember this tool.
          Speaking of Tools, So far, every commenter named GYYM can’t spell or use the correct words in a sentence.

  4. Charlie is a perfect example of LEFT wing politics——–Let the door hit you on your way OUT—-You deserve it!

  5. his pension should be redistributed to his fellow travellers, as he did nothing to “earn” it.

  6. Charlie Angus showed his true colors during the Attiwapiskat farce, blaming it (like everything else that was bad in Canada at the time) completely on Stephen Harper. When Harper tried to fix the real problem, the lack of oversight in spending by native bands, he attacked him for that too. Apparently “spend MORE money!” is the go-to answer from any NDP member when it comes to financial problems of any sort…even if that problem is actually ineptitude and corruption, as it was in this case.

    When Harper placed that accountant/auditor in Attswapiskat, who began to dig around in their finances until the natives suddenly *kicked him out*, that should have led to an immediate halt in all funding until he was allowed to continue. Should have, but didn’t. COWARDS.

  7. What do you figure turdo is going to hand him? A senate seat or an ambassador position?

  8. “Charles Joseph Angus is a Canadian author, journalist, broadcaster, musician and politician. Wikipedia”

    Limousine Liberals like this POS always fall up.
    I’m guessing back to MSM, probably CBC /CTV.

  9. Given that the NDP has it origins in the socialist poverty-pimping field combined with union thuggery, it is incumbent on all good NDP members to favour policies that nurture and increase poverty. That way the politics of envy, resentment, and hatred can flourish. You can see this in the Trudeaus who were /would be more at home in the NDP. Today however, due to the natural decline in private sector unions (they eventually extinguish their own jobs), their main supporters are not wealth creators but mostly those unionized elites employed by the dead hand of the leviathan state, greens, simple-minded altruists, elite Jacobins and Bolsheviks, and media drones. Charlie was just an over-achiever as he was openly trying to criminalize thoughts supportive of prosperity. Good politics require subtleties if not outright lies.

  10. The irony that is Canada and Canadians is that from King and Tommy Douglas on down through the many leaders of the Liberals and NDP we haven’t learned that socialism doesn’t work. The economy that built North America was based on capitalism. From the earliest explorers and fur trapers (Scots, Irish, and French) to the later arrivals of the first settlers (more Scots and Irish with an intake of Ukrainians, Poles) up to the influx of the WWII refugee exodus from Europe, our economies in Canada and America was based on capitalism. During all that time most politicians had established themselves as businessmen before they entered politics. They had created a reputation that they could stand on, and pension cheques were inconsequential to the task at hand of running the country. Then along came the likes of Douglas and Trudeau in Canada and socialism was sold to the masses as the pathway to Utopia. It has been downhill ever since. In America it was Roosevelt and the Democrats that sold the American Dream. In both cases since the Sixties we have been snowballed into paying exorbitant pensions for non-producers. As these ponzi poofters and poltroons escalate their salaries and pensions the working class that is taxed to fund them is being decimated. To rephrase an oft quoted question, are you better off now than you were ten years ago? Then why do you keep voting for politicians that contunually promise a chicken in every pot, and deliver nothing but chicken-sh*t!

    1. Progressives.
      Making us poorer for 60 years.
      Time to banish all Assault Style Politicians.
      Every tax payer can identify an Assault Style Liberal.
      Most cannot identify an “Assault Style Rifle”.

      Mostly cause the former is real ,toxic and causes real harm and the latter is an imaginary tool.
      Remember the “Golden Rule”?
      Do not steal.
      Your Government hates competition.

  11. Charlie was and is, too stupid to accomplish anything of value. He is a FILTHY MARXIST who will hopefully go to CBC where nobody will see his ugly face again.
    To quote Monty Python, “Several Fatal Beatings might fix CharlieAngus. “

  12. Scumbag criminal race grifter and thief.
    The fact that this POS will still be feeding at the public trough through the theft program known as the “MP pension Plan” just ads salt to the wound.
    A sick and appalling little thief.
    See ya later asshole…
    The MP Pension theft Plan must end.

  13. It’s actually rather easy to tell what’s going on here. Since 2006, Angus has had a diminishing plurality of votes in every election. He barely squeaked out a win in 2021 with barely 35% of the total votes and barely 2,000 over the CPC. And this is despite spending more than three times as much as his nearest rival. Clearly the NDP are going to lose Timmins-James Bay in the next election. So he’s simply turning over the NDP position in the riding for someone else to suffer the loss.

  14. Good comments.
    Charlie Anguish knows he isn’t getting re-elected.
    Even the northern Ontario frog voters have finally figured out he’s a c**t.

    1. Buddy, I agree, but I think it’s a bit deeper than that. Northern Ontario has been consistently voting for NDP since the early 1960s. When it emerged from the old CCF, the NDP were the party of workers, expressing the interest of organized labour unions with the solid support of their workers.

      However, all that changed over the last 60 years. The NDP is now the party of the urban elites, NOT industrial workers and not northern Ontario. The NDP is now about progressivism in all its worst forms. It started losing organized labour support under Eddie Broadbent and Jackoff Layton. As a result of all this, union workers have been shunning the NDP with their votes for years now. The NDP still has the support of big Labour like Canadian Labour Congress, and the big public sector unions, but that’s it. Teamsters, Power Workers, IBEW, may officially remain connected with the NDP, but their members have long since fled the chicken coop.

  15. These must be among the best collection of Comments on any SDA topic ever!
