Spread The Love

Global- 30 years after Rwanda genocide

An estimated 800,000 Tutsi were killed by extremist Hutu in massacres that lasted over 100 days in 1994. Some moderate Hutu who tried to protect members of the Tutsi minority also were targeted and killed.

Romeo Dallaire, in an interview that aired Sunday on The West Block, told host Mercedes Stephenson he remains concerned about the continued presence of the genocide’s perpetrators and masterminds in Africa and around the world — including in Canada — who have not been brought to justice.

22 Replies to “Spread The Love”

  1. I believe it was Rwanda where they captured adolescent boys, cut their arms off, taped their arms to their back and sent them back to the village as a warning to others. I saw the video myself and have never underestimated the evil of men since.

  2. If Dallaire was really concerned as he claimed, he could have easily disobeyed orders and intervened. He is the reason I have no respect for UN blueheads. They just sat and watched, because orders.

    1. well shoulda-couldas abound. he did what was indicated to him by longstanding policy and example. lots of reasons to step up to the place and more not to.
      could he in any stretch be court marshalled and do time? hmmm???
      he did exactly and only and completely what he could do a TELL THE WORLD.

    2. I’m with you there. He’d rather scrub his hands like Lady MacBeth for the last 30 years. A few Canadian infantrymen with automatic weapons could have calmed the machete wielders fairly quickly. I have no sympathy for Dallaire. I wonder how much he made off of his book.
      Watch and Listen? So he was just following orders?

    3. The Nazi line of defense at trials was “I was only following orders”. Some of them were hung anyway.

        1. Yes, hanged not hung as in meat. Another one that irritates me for some reason is the use of the word fun as a verb.

    4. “If Dallaire was really concerned as he claimed, he could have easily disobeyed orders and intervened. He is the reason I have no respect for UN blueheads. They just sat and watched, because orders.”

      I always thought that as well. Then he wrote a book about how upset he was.

    5. It wasn’t just the UN. There were Australian soldiers there who also did nothing, I assume that means that there were soldiers from other countries too. They stood there with automatic rifles watching while people hacked other people to death with machetes. All they were allowed to do was grab the wounded and drag them away afterwards.

  3. Its unfortunate that the corrupt UN sent a cowardly Canadian bureaucrat into a genocidal war zone when they needed to send a soldier.
    That decision had deadly consequences for the people of Rwanda.
    At least some of those genocidal maniacs found “refuge” in Turdholeland.

  4. The concern for the brown skinned victims of real genocide is eclipsed by the trumped up white guilt nurtured concern over unproven and implied or presumed genocide in residential schools. The progressive in-crowd prefers to believe that only whites are responsible for genocide even when it’s make believe genocide. The racism of lowered expectations is worn like a badge of honour. The history of (inter-tribal) indigenous genocide is another area verbotten to the progressive left.

    1. Dallaire might have saved some lives….but the problem was the Hutus were well armed, whipped into a lather and in relatively short order could have quite easily overpowered the UN types that were there. The REAL problem was the gutless UN which was too busy going to soirees and lunches, etc., to do anything during “working hours”. I have been to Rwanda and got a first hand look at the lay of the land and the issues there.

    1. Who cares, indeed? Go home – Canadians are not interested.

      Your welcome to Canada ticket is worn out.

  5. Yes, there are still perpetrators in africa, and probably some came to Canada, but Romeo did nothing, because he was just following orders…

    And by now everyone should understand “Just following orders” has not been a crime since 1946, for the most part.

  6. When Liberal Justice Minister Arif Virani hears about this Romeo Dallaire and the Global TV news staff will all be sent for reeducation to learn that there is no genocide if it is carried out by people of colour or Communists.

    Only Whites and Jews are guilty of genocide and all of us must be guilty by our very birth and therefore must pay repartations to everybody else through out taxes.

  7. Annoying as well are the hand wringing media who were happy to fill hours of news broadcasts with videos of burning or mutilated bodies or machete beheadings and are now bleating about more needing to be done. They could have shielded people they could have extracted them. They could have put pressure on governments or the UN to stop the atrocities but no all they did was fill time in between commercials. No respect for them at all.
