To hell with it is “definitely on the table”

Jim Reiter, Bronwyn Eyre, Michael Milani. Photo by Brian Zinchuk

Saskatchewan fights back on federal oil and gas emissions cap, Methane 75. Saying “to hell with it” is “definitely on the table,” says minister when asked.

Province invokes Saskatchewan First Act, again, building its case against the federal government’s never-ending smothering greenhouse gas emissions rules, regulations and legislation.

I was up in Saskatoon Monday to cover this important announcement. Saskatchewan’s not going to take it, anymore. Kinda like Twisted Sister. For some reason, I keep referencing that song.

23 Replies to “To hell with it is “definitely on the table””

  1. I would very much like to see all the provinces run up the Jolly Roger and dare the Pony to take his best shot. That would be sweet.

  2. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of a Trump win in Nov…if for whatever reason (Unless he legitimately gets out of the race but still gets replaced by a MAGA type like for example Vivek) he does not win,anything can happen and surely not in a good way…I know this should have nothing to do with Canada but it does. If the dark side « wins » in the US, the chance the dark side keeps power here augments significantly.

    Nov. 6th is the tipping point for North America and the judéo-christian west. The last round between good and evil…I which this was hyperbole but it’s not.

  3. Canada’s professional political class are so retarded in everything, that they can’t even see the political value in picking up the thousand dollar bill laying at their feet.

    1. The thousand dollar (Canadian) bill is worthless now, they (government) have seen to that already.
      Cash is for bad people, doing bad things, that’s why they are seeking to eliminate it.
      Your bank account is just numbers on a computer, anyways, right?
      Politics is legal crime, they get paid, regardless, that’s why they wouldn’t pick up the bill, its small potatoes, compared to what they ‘legally’ make, plus pension, etc…

  4. I would like to say to the Saskatchewan government. “STOP BEING POLITE TO THE ASS HOLES IN OTTAWA”
    Its useless to take the fed to court they own the court.
    Use the “Not withstanding Clause” and tell them to shove it.
    Notice I did not say Turd Jr. because its just a figure-head.


  5. it’s time for all premiers to tell justin to take a hike. we have to get our country back and that is the only way

  6. Dee (I hate conservatives) Snider isn’t a very good choice, regardless of its lyrics.

    1. Yup.
      He was right up there with Arnold “Eff Your Freedom” Schwarzenegger during the plandemic.

    2. 1. I didn’t even know his name. I had to look it up.
      2. I don’t give a rat’s behind about any particular singer’s politics. It doesn’t matter. If I did care, the only thing I’d be able to listen to is old Gospel music. And likely the same for you.

    3. And also, if the song actually suits a conservative campaign, using it pisses the leftist composer right off. And the world needs more pissed-off lefties. I recall years ago using Bruce Cockburn songs in right-wing campaigns, and knowing how much he hated it was part of the fun.

        1. Mike Fisher, one of the founding members of the band Heart, was living in Vancouver, evading the draft.

  7. The provinces should tell the feds in no uncertain terms that any federal policies that might interfere with the food or energy security of the citizens in their province will be ignored. Full Stop.

  8. The cowards in the west have been so easily convinced to never use The Notwithstanding Clause because the media won’t like them anymore. Quebec can use it every day of the year and nobody says a thing.
    Time to grow up and start doing the right thing.

  9. ” Guilbeault had tweeted a few years ago congratulations to Saskatchewan on its methane reductions.”

    I fail to see how any comments from this lunatic are noteworthy.

  10. Dee Snider put on a real performance at the senate hearings to classify rock music and censor etc. showed up in his stage gear. proceeded to articulate the hypocricy of violence endemic but now censor words stuff.
    long time ago, during clinton era

  11. No downside for a province ignoring federal dictats. By the time the libs finish threatening and move to legal action, our broken legal system will ensure that nothing can be done before the next election. And if the libs threaten funding, tell them you will take it up with their replacements.
    Province benefits, citizens benefits – who else is there?
