18 Replies to “Woke Justice”

  1. “…they may be invited by a court clerk to provide this
    information. ”


    Funny thing about invites. They’re optional.

  2. Judge: “How does your client wished to be addressed?”

    Defense counsel: “My client wishes to be addressed by his Indigenous 2-spirit name, your honour. Missipissi.”

  3. Stupidity writ large. What difference does it make in terms of the proceedings? None, nothing, less than nothing.

  4. My pronouns are “case dismissed, you’re free to go and if anybody touches him the bailiff is instructed to shoot you”

    1. that is not a pronoun, but rather a wry statement.
      my statement to the woke judge would be along these lines…
      “yer hon-whore, I shall now be identified as the supreme overlord who shall now fart in your general direction, with extreme gaseousness. After which, you shall compensate me for attending catholic schools in the 1960s, and also apologize to my long ago forefathers, who were enslaved by Romans and left in obscurity in unmarked graves in former city states.”
      And, oh, I think Shakespeare had the ‘pronoun’ apt for lawyers…namely “kill all the”…

  5. As if court isn’t out of touch and estranged enough.. Understand, any rights you hand criminals become perks .. Chips for them to play .. Tell them what they want to hear BS.. In the system, play the system for all its worth..

    Its a shame we have social workers running the show.. Because they are right in there with them..

  6. A large company I once worked at for a brief time apparently now has employee state their preferred pronoun at rhe beginning of every meeting.

  7. Should it not be signed “Mx. Sharon Nicolas he/she/them”? To issue a notice regarding pronouns and then to sign without them…

  8. They either blocked this specific site…or the document outlining this nonsense is no longer accessible.

  9. No “pronouns” for me. I shall require the court to always address me and refer to me by my full name.

  10. I recently sat in on a meeting at one of my banks with a number of other business owners. The woman running the meeting asked us to go around the table and introduce ourselves. I was cool with that. Well, one of the women said, and I quote, “I go by they/them.”

    I said nothing. She looked the type. And, she was the only one to play the pronoun game. So, I assumed I wouldn’t be chased out of the room if I made the obvious correction.

    When it came to me, I did your normal introduction, smiled and then said. “By the way, if you’re going to go by they/them….then you can’t say, “I go by they / them.” It would be “We, go by they / them. I find that very revealing.”

    If looks could kill.
