Monday On Turtle Island

Dementia Joe’s America:  The American flag upsets the alphabet people.  Why did Fauci lie under oath?  The Mayor of Chicago.  Victor Davis Hanson on the 2024 campaign.

Blackie’s Canada:  Liberals finance terrorism.  Dear Leader has a busy day of photo ops. This includes speaking to Muslims at a dinner tonight.  Apparently the China spy hunt is racist.

The Earth Is Boiling News:  Paper bags vs plastic bags.     Today In Islam:  Muslim bully in Holland.

Your morning meme.

21 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. So if your government is knowingly/willingly financing terrorism what are the citizens supposed to do?
    At least the ones who aren’t in denial or the ones who are actually happy about it and are therefore terrorists themselves.
    You can’t withhold taxes or you’ll be severely punished by the terrorist supporting government.
    You can’t protest or you’ll be attacked by the terrorist citizens.
    Writing an email of admonishment to whomever seems absurd.
    And it points to ever-increasing evidence that the next election will be tainted and or postponed indefinitely due to some faux crisis.

  2. The lieberals have no honor and no spine or cojones.

    They are not the sort of people suited to be in charge of sacking up road apples. And it may be hard to tell liberals from road apples. Road apples are smarter and better looking.

  3. Letting it out of the Bag.
    Paper or plastic: it was never about CO2. That is merely the Trojan Horse inside which hides the totalitarian agenda of the Climate Industrial Complex.

    1. Agreed and I also think it is about taxes disguised as “doing good for the planet”. All western governments have overspent hugely and need to ramp up taxation. But people are only willing to give so much in income tax or capital gains tax or sales tax. Hence the Carbon Tax is introduced to “help” the planet.
      Until all governments radically reduce their spending (I applaud Argentina under the new President), we will keep having the Carbon Tax and its increases.

  4. “Weekend at Biden’s”
    Vis a vis VDH’s essay: The greatest enemy of any puppet show is gravity.

  5. What did the country dance squad think would happen when they wore American flag shirts to a lgbtq+ event. What were they even doing there? Idiots.

  6. Wow, the world is full of dirty rotten liars and the scummiest always rise to the “top”…

    1. “6:15 p.m. The Prime Minister will deliver remarks at an Eid al-Fitr dinner hosted by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at.”

      The Prime Liar will BUY votes at the Allah u Akbar dinner hosted by the PLA

      1. @Ham: Actually Ahmadiyya Muslims are the best re Islam and Jihad:

        Would be nice if all of Islam would have such views. Btw, Ahmadiyya are VERY persecuted by Sunni/Shia Muslims.

        But Yeah, PM will use this opportunity to infer that all of Islam are a nice bunch of innocent lambs. Plus (and it’s expected for a top-narcissist): pretend he’s oh-so pious and respectful of all religions.

        1. In Ottawa, the better part of 20 years ago, I had my hair cut by an Ismaili lady…..she said that her group considered the ‘mainstream’ Muslims to be nuts.

  7. The reason Fauci lied under oath is because he killed tens of millions of people. Apparently that is not murder. It is a statistic.

    1. In a sane world, he and all who worked with him would be hanged for their crimes against humanity. Apparently society is now too stupid to think about actual justice for such crimes.

  8. is Senator Yuen Pau Woo an agent of the CCP? He seems to be promoting the CCP’s interests over those of canadians in the senate.

    1. What you get for answering the phone.

      Wait until next year. If Biden gets his way there will be MASSIVE tax increases, which will of course spike inflation further.

  9. Supporting UNRWA is protection money. If we don’t pay it, Turdo has to deal with HAMAS committing terrorist acts in Canada. If he pays UNRWA they restrict their activities to trying to kill Jews.
