We’re going to do our own thing, thank you

The proposed federal Clean Electricity Regulations say in 10 years, seven months and 15 days we won’t be able to use natural gas-fired power generation without carbon capture except for very short periods of time over a whole year.

Or in Saskatchewan, we just say to hell with that and turn sod on our newest big natural gas-fired power station.

Also, Biden hates oil so much, he wants more of their money.

15 Replies to “We’re going to do our own thing, thank you”

  1. Never listen to ECO-Fascist governments like the Liberals—-Build the Natural gas plant and tell to them to go to
    H–L ! Might be a little hotter for them! Ha!

  2. Carbon capture? What a stupid idea. Why not just let trees turn CO2 into O2 and trees. It’s called the Carbon Cycle. Did those effing communists miss grade 8?

  3. Carbon capture – I still remember when the initial UN climate nonsense started – Chretien was PM, and he wanted Canada to be given credit for our vast forests which for most of the year remove more CO2 than we generate. The commies refused, and being a liberal he surrendered.

    1. It was not a question of surrender. What Chretien proposed was quite sensible. But UNFCCC decisions can only be made by unanimous agreement. The European Union refused because agreeing to forests as a carbon sink would mean Canada and a lot of other countries would be making immense fortunes for selling “carbon trading credits” to Europe. The whole point of the UNFCCC was to make North America pay for the supposed “climate damage”.

      The refusal by the EU also screwed over all of the developing nations with huge jungles and forest cover to also sell credits. But the point of the Kyoto Protocol for the European Union was to cripple the development of North America. When I was there, the European delegation was openly discussing it in the corridors of the COP meeting in Amsterdam in 2001.

      This wasn’t about ‘communism’. It was about money.

    2. Chretien knew how to play the environuts. He said all the right things, he talked the talk about how people would be dying in 30 years if we didn’t cut emissions, and then he did….nothing. Oh wait, he did initiate the “One Tonne Challenge” ad campaign which was supposed to inspire every Canadian to cut their emissions by one tonne. But that was all he did. Trudeau, by contrast, is dumb enough to actually try to cut emissions…our emissions, not his own massive carbon footprint. In the tradition of the dictatorships he so admires, rules are made for the little people, dear leaders are exempt.

  4. Natural Gas in constant dollars in North America hasn’t been this cheap in 40 years. As the fuel of industry, it gives us competitive advantage. The Jacobins and Bolsheviks of the state and most other institutions don’t want competitive advantage, they want DEI, CRT, ESG, inflation through increasing public debt, population replacement, expanded MAID, Islamic immigration, eternal grift for Indians, 51 genders and their pretense, and no hydrocarbons. IOW, the alternative to a prosperous hydrocarbon based economy is an irrational death cult.

  5. The fascists in Ottawa need to be ignored as much as possible. Even better, while doing so they should be told to F.O.

  6. Drill Baby Drill 2.0

    Oil well: hole in the ground from which cash is extracted.

    Carbon capture: hole in the ground into which cash is injected.

  7. The Marxists have already beaten the Oil Pussies into submission.

    4000 days of hearings, then american Marxists like the Tides Foundation get hired to professionally phuck with the Pipeline until it becomes too expensive to build them. We need Men back in charge.

    It’s effective, like the how expensive it is to criticize the Depraved muslims’ fake prophet or Klimate Fascists like Michael Mann
