11 Replies to ““Authorities have repeatedly declined to state the religion of the alleged attacker””

  1. And they’re pretending the mall stabber is some kind of mentally unstable incel gay escort. Very active on social media and not one post sympathetic to Hamas in the last 6 months? I doubt it. Church goers should have taken care of business with the Jew-hating punk right there, because you know our ‘system’ won’t.

  2. Because we all know that the religion of the attacker has absolutely nothing to do with religiously-motivated attacks.

    1. And yet the media and the authorities had no problem letting people know that his parents were very “religious” as if to equate their faith to be the reason for his actions.

      Initially, you had to dig to come up with the killer’s name. Hmmm… I wonder why that is ?

      If it was “Brendon Jones” from northern Alberta or “Cody Smith” from a ranch in Texas, we would have been told immediately.

  3. Initial statements from MSM, were that the stabber wasn’t terrorism, because the stabber was a member of the church. (maybe the MSM thought we could believe by their suggestion, the stabber was revenging some sort of past abuse,,, now we find out he belongs to the “religion of peace”, that he wasn’t a Christian, or a member of that particular church)
    Still,,,,, not hating the Media, as much as I should be,,, shame on me, for even considering that the Media may have been telling the truth!
    f’in liars around the clock.

    1. Ever so slight little bit of censorship.
      Little bit by little bit by little bit, the the totalitarian minds of the political scum will get there, just not all at once in the beginning.
      You will find an analogy in the chopping of pipis and little breasts, it started as nothing, not ever being mentioned, now being routinely done. It will be hell to stop it, if ever.
      Anyway, the socialists/fascist and communists have made it into political science.
      However it is some kind of parallel contradiction, some may remember the old communist, comrade Khrushchev when he said, paraphrasing, we don’t have to lift a finger, you will do yourselves in all by yourselves, Khrushchev knew whereof was he speaking. The evidence is overwhelming.
      Parallel to that the old communists have collapsed to nothing. Though one must add that the socialist / fascist ideas are getting more attention. Just look at the government of this country, the state or if you prefer, the dominion, is ruled by socialists / fascists, they have decided who will get the billions and who will not.
      In their reluctant defense one must say that the plebeians are in agreement and will vote for the idiot and his crew in high numbers.

  4. Your “oh-so-sensitive” PM would be MOST concerned about the Islamophobic backlash … esp. that aimed at small schoolgirls wearing their religious garb.

  5. “Alleged”?
    Why must we persist with this “alleged” farce. He did it, on camera.

  6. “Local” news has even victim blamed.

    “he should not say those things about islam”, except the reality Is if he said it about christians or jews he would not be stabbed.
