Hey Danielle, Justice Needs a Little Help from You!

Persecution of Coutts Political Prisoners via Denial of Medical Treatment:

An unsung hero of the ongoing Coutts Political Prisoners story is Nikki Thom, friend and business associate to Tony Olienick, one of the remaining Coutts “2” of the Coutts Four prisoners, arrested on February 13, 2022, and who remains in custody, having been denied bail and yet to face trial.

Nikki has been tirelessly advocating on all four men’s behalf since day one, taking on what amounts to another full time job, doing the work of endless paperwork, emails, meetings, court appearances, and untold hours of legwork in assisting their legal counsel.

h/t James MacMaster

10 Replies to “Hey Danielle, Justice Needs a Little Help from You!”

    1. Gulag Canada you mean. It’s the federal Trudeau Liberal government that is responsible for this egregious violation of due process and justice. More than two years in prison without a trial!

      Stalin, Mao and the Castro bothers would appreciate it, but I don’t and no one who believes in freedom and justice should find it at all acceptable. Disgusting!

      1. “It’s the federal Trudeau Liberal government that is responsible for this egregious violation of due process and justice.”

        Oh yes, turdo’s rotten stink is all over this. But they’re being prosecuted by provincial prosecutors; they have been denied bail by provincially-appointed justices; and they have been held in provincial remand centers.

  1. RCMP – nice bunch! Wonder where they get their orders…, Ottawa perhaps.
    Hey, about that New Country

  2. I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me that there should be a pretty strong case for dismissal on the basis of being denied a trial in a reasonable time frame. There are a lot of cases where drug dealers and suspected murders have their cases dismissed for unreasonable delay. I also hope these guys and their families can sue both the Federal Government and the Alberta Government for a bunch of expenses and injustices such as legal fees, cruel and unusual punishment (solitary confinement and denial of medical treatment), loss of income, pain and suffering for them selves and families, loss of reputation, etc etc etc. Ths case makes me effen sick!
