Pleasuring Themselves

On bridge blocking and other terribly radical acts:

Note the lofty defence offered by our pronoun-stipulating champion of the obstruction – that “protests are meant to be disruptive. It’s the whole point.”

A protest, then, is not meant to persuade the general public, or to get them on-side, or to make others sympathetic with whatever this week’s cause may be. But simply to be disruptive. To gratuitously frustrate, and aggravate, large numbers of law-abiding people. To exert power. By doing random harm. That’s “the whole point.” A vision doubtless attractive to those with antisocial inclinations.

And those inclinations aren’t being indulged and given rein reluctantly or under duress. The screwing-over of others is sought out and chosen, over and over again. This is recreational sociopathy.

10 Replies to “Pleasuring Themselves”

  1. I suspect if a group of people finally have enough with the bridge protesters, and pitch one of them off said bridge, this type of behaviour would end.

  2. The children of the chattering class, having grown bored with their Gameboys, seek recreation. How long until Gavin Newsom declares they must be paid $20 an hour?

  3. When people start believing in lies, then all kinds of behaviors become possible. They don’t read, they absorb. They don’t think, they absorb. And because their moral compasses are twisted, they don’t bother to ask if they are being told the truth, and like children, they cannot discern the difference.

    For if they truly believed with their entire beings in Hamas, and the Palestinian cause, they would travel to Palestine and fight for Hamas. But they don’t as evidenced by their actions. Instead, they, like children, whine at others until someone gives them a cookie or a smack to get them to shut up. Right now, the actions follow in line with the politicians’ agenda. They don’t understand that when the regime’s path to tyranny is complete, there will be no more cookies, only punishment.

  4. Perhaps we should set up bouncy castles at these protests. Then the government would act to stop said protests.

  5. Mao-lings, I am so stealing that. Bang on with all the points, we should start treating them like the children they aren’t.

  6. This will stop when the urban prosecuting attorney does their job. In just about every one of these jurisdictions there is already a law(s) on the books that are applicable in this situation. If you are in your car and boxed in by other cars while a group of ingrates purposefully block the road ahead and disallow movement or egress, they are facilitating false imprisonment. This is not only a criminal violation. It is, also, a civil violation. The former is a felony. The latter is a violation of civil rights.

    I’ve wondered why jurisdictions (like New York, for example) have been making an aggressive move to remove “citizen’s arrest” clauses from their code. I think it’s because it has the potential to be useful on such situations (not to mention ANTIFA and BLM).

  7. Here in the SF Bay Area … we are used to having our bridges and highways blocked. Blocked by serial Hamas Terrorist .org’s, blocked by black and heespanick “sideshows”, or blocked by the eponymous “white powder spill”.

    Don’t worry … we’re conditioned to accept all of these inconveniences as somehow helping to “better” ourselves.
