24 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. “”This picture makes my body ache. While Zikim beach [in southern Israel, near Gaza] … is declared a closed military area and we the residents cannot approach it without military escort, on the other side of the fence – the Gazans spend time on the beach and bathe in the sea as if there is no war.””


    I bet that commentor hasn’t been living in a tent for the past several months.

    1. So there is another picture of the beach and it’s full of people.

      Badir El-Balach beach in central Gaza today.

      I bet, based on what you read in the news, you didn’t expect Gaza to look like this…

    2. Horrifying new video shows missing Israeli father of ‘Hamas’s youngest hostage’ covered in bl–ood and being beate–n by Palestinian civilians who pose for selfies while abducting him.

      Yet we are told the hamas are nice folks.

    1. Matt

      Did you even read the report? Bet not.
      These folks also fund them.
      $2,000,000 and Above
      BHP Foundation
      Federal Republic of Germany
      $1,000,000 – $1,999,999
      Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
      Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
      Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
      The Andrew H. And Ann R. Tisch Foundation.

      Notice libs galore. Plus the list goes on and other with others paying them.

      Nice try. But try reading first before posting.

      1. Those folks are getting almost exactly the conflict they paid Brookings to plan for.

        Note the prevalence of foundations contributing.

        Foundations. Try playing three degrees of board of directors with foundations. Foundations are largely about laundering money.

        It should be obvious that almost none of what we are witnessing is an accident or coincidence. These things have been in the works since before the grandparents of anyone currently alive.

  2. If these people insist on wearing the rag then let them return to their homeland, we don’t need them here

  3. Did Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ever claim he was a jihadist or ever observed in jihadist activity prior to the bombing?

    1. From what I remember, he couldn’t even give a coherent explanation as to why he did it.

    2. Looked him up…..found this – “Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was born in either Kyrgyzstan or Dagestan”, which brought back old memories, (this happened more than once); flying the last leg of an ‘out of Kingdom’ trip on Saudia from Dhahran to Riyadh and reading the complementary ‘Saudi Gazette’.

      ‘Letters to the Editor’ – (I believe it was primarily Brits who submitted stuff like this….those who worked for the paper likely ‘spoke’ English, but didn’t ‘understand’ English’) – letter went something like this: “Two of the Jazz greats were Stan Kenton & Stan Getz, and I feel it’s apropos for a country, where jazz lovers can congregate, to be called ‘Stanistan’ in their honor”.

  4. If dentists are smart, 0% of them should participate in the government plan, since it doesn’t actually pay their costs of providing services.

    1. Yeah but I’m pretty sure that the whole plan is in the good ole style of Trudeau/Freeland. Meaning that PM/VPM will boast how great the plan is but throw dentists under the bus, claiming the dentists are mean and don’t see the greatness and genius of their leadership.

      1. Dentist here. Only an insane person would sign on to this scheme, and the contract they have trotted out.

        We are now told to expect a survey from Statistics Canada in the next couple weeks, and that we will be subject to fines if we don’t respond.

        This is a terrible plan and a waste of money. It’s bad for patients, for dentists, and for taxpayers. The only party that will benefit is the shareholders of Sun Life, to the tune of $60-70M per year.

  5. How can anyone not be islamophobic! These people are just pure evil and they are here with millions more coming thanks to Trudeau. Wonder where he will run to when they take over?

  6. “How mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are actually destroying people’s immune systems

    Latent viruses can sit in the body in a dormant state for extended periods of time without causing any obvious symptoms. However, when the immune system is activated by mRNA jabs and produces chemokines and cytokines that signal molecules to recruit immune cells to the infection site, the cells may recognize and target latent viruses, activating and replicating them.”


  7. Remember?

    “September 17, 2022

    The NATO-backed Atlantic Council has proposed apartheid Israel as a blueprint for a hyper-militarized Ukraine. The paper was authored by Obama’s former ambassador to Tel Aviv, now an Israeli spy-tech consultant.

    Just forty days after Russia’s military campaign began inside Ukraine, Ukrainian President Vlodymyr Zelensky told reporters that in the future, his country would be like “a big Israel.” The following day, one of Israel’s top promoters in the Democratic Party published an op-ed in NATO’s official think tank exploring how that could be executed.”


    How’s that working out?
