34 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. they have other tricks up their sleeve. the capital gain could be on your primary residence and also for a paid off house they may tax an imputed rent

    1. Yesterday, it was an attack on the rich. Today, it’s an attack on the middle class. Tomorrow, it’ll be an attack on the poor. And they’re attacking the same people! That’s how well it’s working!

  2. It’s Trudeau’s shyte show demonstrated to the fullest and still a third of Canuckleheads would vote for him. This country deserves to become the North American Zimbabwe.

    1. I don’t deserve it and neither does my family. We didn’t vote for the destruction of the family, freedom and everything else we worked for.

      1. IIRC, the federal NDP party handbook explicitly says they want to end private property ownership.

  3. Well somebody has to pay for electing a substitute drama teacher with a two million dollar car for Prime Minister.

        1. Nutley had 4 years to terrorize Alberta due to Conservative vote splitting between the Wild Rose and UCP coupled with the massive progressive influx of eastern voters & foreign rent seekers into major Alberta cities.

          The Alberta 2019 election brought the conservatives back together to crush the NDP as they would have in 2015 had the Conservative infighting not occurred.

          As far as Nutley being raised in Alberta, everyone has a nut or two in their community, Eastern Canada even has one or two sensible Conservatives.

          Doesn’t mean they individually represent the majority until they hold the follow up election.

          1. I was born in New Brunswick, grew up in Saskatchewan, and live in Ontario. So that is why I am conservative (being a retired engineer). I don’t like or believe in fantasy. So not all Easterners are liberal.

  4. Well, now that he and Sophie are seeing other men perhaps he’ll be too preoccupied.

    1. But that leaves those who really ruin the country (think Freeland and buds) to finish off the job. I know several small and not overly profitable businesses who will be adversely affected by this.

  5. The cherry on top.. The only thing left that the liberal NDP junta can loot before they lose power and blame it all on PP poo poo.. Its so bad I imagine that Quebec really will leave.. Its not like they are going to pay our bills..

  6. Can someone here please explain why $100 earned through labour should be taxed any differently than $100 earned through wise investment? Why 75%? Why not 100%?

    1. Because the $100 earned through wise investment is money already taxed.

  7. There has not been any real investment in the canuckistanian economy in more than a decade. Most ‘investment’ these days is just real estate speculation. This occurs in all failing states as the only thing produced is inflation and real estate speculation benefits from that.

  8. soooo howcum lm divesting myself of a house?
    in addition to my gratitude to the TURDeau for driving the price up right when l needed it and especially since lm not buying back in.
    l wanna be clear of it when the next splat happens. l cant afford to wait out another cycle, l wanna ENJOY life and 1/4 million should be enough for me and my 3 part mastiffs.

    l may even leave Canaduh before *its* ‘splat’ happens.
