One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

Epoch Times;

The publisher of Science magazine and other journals, who is close to Dr. Anthony Fauci, said on April 16 that he should not have dismissed the theory that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Holden Thorp, who holds a doctorate in chemistry, apologized for a 2023 Twitter post in which he wrote that supporters of the natural origin theory have “scientific evidence” on their side, while the only thing Republicans and the witnesses they called—including former U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield, a virologist—have in favor of the lab leak theory is “a mediocre episode of Homeland.” […]

Mr. Thorp later, under questioning from Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-Calif.), acknowledged that there is no certainty in the scientific and intelligence communities when it comes to where COVID-19 came from.

10 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

  1. The majority of the population will never know and likely will never believe it.
    That, right there is the dilemma.

    There is that patented saying, by the time the truth gets out of bed, the lies are half way around the world.
    In this case, the lies have been in orbit for more than two years.
    The hypochondriacs, a crushing majority of the population, will never believe that, it may collapse the house of cards they so ignorantly built for themselves.

    1. Not true. Those fired Winnipeg lab folks were not working with the same toxic materials. Also, they were not known to go to China until AFTER the Wuhan virus was already rampant in China and other countries began lockdowns.

  2. I don’t know if it’s true, but it was always plausible.

    I wonder what Fauci’s motivations were for denying the idea. Why would he care that some people think it escaped from a foreign lab? It has no effect on how he does his job.

    1. Killer unDORK
      Not very bright are we? Fartci said in 2017 that Trump may experience a pandemic , which was a PLANdemic. To take Trump down was already decided before he was inaugurated. It was /is all politics to benefit MIC/Big Pharma/Big Bankers. Sherman’s were killed in Feb 2018, they owned Apotex, a pharmaceutical company that made off brand Ivermectin and HCQ.

    2. If you are interested in reading up on this, look into the links between Fauci and his institution to Ralph Baric at UNC(close collaborator and co-author of papers with Shi Zhengli) and the use of Peter Daszak and Eco-Health Alliance as a go-between to continue funding GOF research on coronaviruses by outsourcing to WIV to avoid restraints on such in the USA. There was a video presentation by Baric describing the types of things they were doing and wanted to do to coronaviruses and they sounded awfully familiar. That should be a starting point to developing an opinion.
      My impression is that he cares about origin because if funding for it was traced back to him = big trouble, or at least some awkward explanations.

  3. As I have said a number of times, it does not matter where it came from, it was no worse than the seasonal flu. If a world wide vax conspiracy was not the goal, and it was allowed to run it’s course, no more people would have died than during a regular old flu season.
    The lies are still being told.

  4. Dr. Fauci and his cohorts worked to construct this virus! ( Gain Of Function) This virus has lead to multiple deaths and Long Covid ( which is a terrible condition) The idea to use messenger RNA with Pfizer and Moderna was never tested on humans and has lead numerous health problems —–especially Heart condition and Long Haul Covid!
    I agree with Shawn!
