9 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

    1. It is reassuring that the Israelis won’t be attacking themselves any time soon. I hope he actually said ‘Haifa’ when he spoke to them. We certainly wouldn’t want any confusion.

  1. California government repeatedly boasts that it is the 5th largest economy in the world … outpacing all but 4 nations on the planet! Yet our roads are crumbling, and are inadequately sized for the traffic they serve. It’s a Statewide disgrace.

    What does this have to do with Biden’s Jimmy Carteresque Rescue Mission? They share the exact same cause … the FAILURE is driven by political ideology and misplaced priorities. CA government hates personal automobiles and is intentionally leaving the roads to deteriorate. And worse, those in charge hate funding maintenance and repair of existing assets. Why? Because it’s boring. It doesn’t make the news. It doesn’t score political points. Transport ships? Really? When have you EVER heard an NPR whisperer get excited about military transport ships? Hence no political will or care whatsoever.

    This is exactly how a Great Nation dies … slowly … quietly … from neglect. Not benign neglect … but from malignant neglect.

    1. Oh, I totally agree! My parents taught me that if you own something, you MUST take care of it. If you have children(you do not own them of course!), you are responsible for them for the first 20 years of their lives. If you have a pet, you are responsible for the care and feeding (and entertainment) of said animal. If you have good clothes, you clean them, if you have a house, you clean it, you shovel driveways and mow the lawns and do annual repairs.
      I am like the character “Cam” on the sitcom “Modern Family”. I like nice things and so I take care of them. The same philosophy applies to governments and the maintenance of roads and property.

    2. I drove into California on I10 recently. I love the backups at the border for the completely useless bottleneck inspection station that waives all vehicles through.

      What a joke.
