A Fringe Minority With “Acceptable” Views

They didn’t seize his bank account?

National Post- Trudeau government intervenes at last minute to save serial blockader from deportation

A Pakistani national who first came to Canada in 2019 on a study permit, he’s been arrested at least 10 times, convicted of mischief charges, and has been pretty open about his role in leading a foreign-funded “rebellion” against the Canadian government.

And now, after a years-long effort by the Canada Border Services Agency to secure Haq’s deportation, the 23-year-old’s removal was stayed at the 11th hour, potentially due to the intervention of the Trudeau government.

Francisco- It’s not hypocrisy, its hierarchy.

16 Replies to “A Fringe Minority With “Acceptable” Views”

  1. Goat shagging inbred monobrowed barbarian retards are the Liberal’s chosen people since they’ll be more than happy to eventually do away with those annoyingly demanding alphabet people once they become unuseful idiots. And then us…once we are outbred. Of course he gets a pass…

  2. Meanwhile, the longest “mischief” trial in Canadian history grinds on… and guys are still in jail… for ‘mischief”… because even the Crown admits they didn’t actually -do- anything…


    But just watch how fast these imported political favorites go under the bus the second that they start being an inconvenience to Shiny Pony’s re-election. Can you say ‘mass deportations’? I know you could. They’re probably converting cattle cars right now, to get ready.

    That’s how Liberals roll, after all. How many years did it take for them to apologize to the Japanese Canadians they dispossessed in WWII?

  3. How does the government get away with overriding immigration law? And I noticed they only do that when the deportee is not white.

    1. My bet is that he is one of Guilbeault’s storm troopers and that it was SG that intervened.

  4. National and cultural MAiD. That’s all this is. A desire of your top government officials to suicide Canada. They want Canada destroyed.

  5. Deport both him and his “wife” to pakistan.

    He got $170k from a foreign organization to carry on his acts, and one can bet he didn’t pay any tax on that money.

  6. is one vote that important or is justin simply sending a message that he and others like him are welcome here

    1. I suspect it’s not just the Chinese that have compromised our government. The kompromat on The Hair That Walks Like a Man is deep and wide, and likely known to the intelligence services of every nation on Earth.

  7. I have tried 3 times to post the history of Jean Chretien getting Ahmed Khadr released from a Pa….. jail and what happened thereafter but the posts don’t go up.

  8. Xi Jinping probably wants Jihadis to stay in Canada and do what they do best so has likely issued such directives to his little potato proxy Fuhrer.
