Cold, Postal Hands

Canada Post is refusing to collect firearms that were banned by the federal government in 2020, complicating Ottawa’s plans for a buyback program to remove 144,000 firearms from private hands, federal sources say.

The Crown corporation informed the government of its position in a recent letter. It said its decision was based on concerns about its employees’ security, according to federal sources who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

One key source of concern being cited by Canada Post is the possibility of staff conflicts with gun owners who have been asked to give up their so-called “assault” or “military-style” weapons, which can no longer be used or sold in Canada.

Good for them.

17 Replies to “Cold, Postal Hands”

  1. It loks like the clowns who thought of this didn’t know or forgot the phrase they gone postal.

  2. No big fan of Canada Post, but their position here seems imminently reasonable. They are not firearms experts and this is not in their mandate.

    1. They’re shippers. They ship stuff. A gun in a box is no different than a case of paperclips.

      This is about politics. They do not want to be having the finger pointed at them when a bunch of dreaded assault weapons of murder/death/kill go missing, courtesy of the culture of corruption and theft endemic to the Post Office.

      And really, do you want guns in a building full of postal workers?

  3. the law is the law is the law is the law is the law.
    and thats the law of unintended consequences.

  4. Must be a government program.
    Nothing that a few million of $ could not help.
    It is a self feeding system.
    The bottom feeders are laughing all the way to the bank.

  5. What happens when some of these banned firearms “dissapear” in the process of confiscation? Will they hold the citizen responsible or the agency charged with collecting them? Because it will happen. Thanks to immigration and diversity, the market for illegal firearms, especially pistols, is thriving in Canada. Some will dissapear, paperwork will lost or fudged, people responsible will skate and criminals will get a new source of firepower courtesy of Justin.

    1. When entire shipments of “buyback” arms magically vanish and re-appear on the streets of Mississauga-stan and Bramladesh, which they inevitably will, the postie union does not want to be the ones on the hook for it.

      Containers full of illegal arms hitting the black market might be the whole point of this program from the beginning. A move to further de-stabilize the nation actually makes sense out of what they’re doing.

  6. lol…the same guys who, during the Covid nonsense, left a rifle I bought online on my doorstep all day even though the gun shop selected signature required.

  7. I do enjoy seeing one level of government tell another level to f- off.

    I haven’t stopped praying for an asteroid, but anything that screws up the Shiny Pony is a plus.

  8. If I had to, I’d turn in my firearm chambered with the safety off. Perhaps a little crazy glue to keep the gun grabbers from undo’ing all of my hard work. No longer my gun, not my problem.

    1. Why k- a random postie, Dan? Seems cowardly.

      Oh, and why post your intentions on Kate’s blog that the feds scrape 24/7/365? Stupid, or fed?

  9. Only in Canada does the government ban the dreaded AR-15 while leaving the functionally identical Tavor (and a number of others) available for sale as non-restricted guns anyone with a PAL can pick up.

    1. Steve, you do understand that the “dreaded AR 15” causes sane people to become demented, and then rush out to kill, preferably multiple people as quickly as possible. That is why they are trying to ban them. Although not one AR has ever been misused in Canada, they are a real threat to politicians!

      I think my three might be broken, as I’ve never had them give me the urge to kill anything except paper!

  10. The post office wants to get out of the business of shipping guns, so why would they want to participate in the government’s plan to steal firearms from the law abiding?

  11. The beauty of the OIC is that any ruling party any time can just make up a law and it has to be done because they say so. You wouldn’t break “the law” would you?

    Ideally the cuckservatives would use it to retaliate against the Liberals and crush all of their regressive aspirations but they won’t. They have to make it past the pension line.

    Me? I’d OIC ban everything liberal love. Vibrateurs, pride parades, pohareen, abortion, etc. Sure some of you cucks would complain about being reasonable and stooping to their level (aka fighting) but you should wipe Justin’s juice off your bow tie and take one for the team, boomer!
