Photographic Memories

If these kind of bizarre claims had been made on nearly any other subject, or by a less favored racial group, one would expect them to be dismissed until at least a shred of evidence turned up. But any demand for evidence, it seems, is merely evidence of a colonialist mindset.

A Haida elder and residential school survivor is leading a proposed class action lawsuit against the Catholic Church and one of its priests over what she alleges are “false and deeply hurtful” denialist comments.

Jones said she recalls being placed in a boxcar to look after Indigenous babies, who were all “crying really hard.” While at the school, Jones says she remembers witnessing the deaths or disappearances of other children, something that continues to haunt her.

Jones said she was given the task of looking after babies who were tied up in iron cribs, who she remembers were “all of the sudden” gone one day.

16 Replies to “Photographic Memories”

    1. The King’s representative. Meaning the GG. An Inuit woman living on stolen lands in Ottawa?

  1. Unless there were other witnesses to the events, and unless those witnesses agree in all details, it would rightfully be called “hearsay”. The Biblical standard for witnesses is a minimum two in absolute agreement which is the basis for British Common Law.

  2. How did I know that would be a CBC story?
    It’s like they don’t even read their own stories before they print them.
    Do they have no little voices that tell them that a story that so perfectly checks every hate filled box couldn’t possibly be true?
    If Steven King had written a novel this outrageous it would be dismissed as poorly written garbage.
    Although, it would fit in with his later body of work, quality wise.

  3. I suspect records of all Indians and their births and deaths or disappearances exist. They were wards of the government and they were tracked. As far as some evil cult killing Indian kids goes, the teachers were just regular teachers hired through newspaper ads. Most schools were on reserves and Indians were in and around the schools yet nothing was mentioned until after the schools were shut down. Add the fact that the better story they told the more money they got, all without corroboration.

  4. So, if he can be charged with some form of defamation, would that open the door for defamation charges against Muslim Imans who preach lies & hate against Jews?

    Asking for a friend.

  5. Comments are disappearing, is there a problem with that?
    Not being photographic at all.

    In case you see three of the same comments in the near future, if at all, it is because none showed up by now.

    1. I’ve had the same problem with perfectly harmless comments.

      I suspect the system responsible for automatically condemning inappropriate comments to moderation purgatory really sucks.

      1. This time though, there is nothing, not that it is held for review, it just does not show up.
        Yeah, it’s the glitch in …….

  6. My prediction: the court will make no attempt to find out if Vicki Stewart even existed, or was a murder victim. Same goes for Eddie Hans who allegedly was an accessory, however unwilling, to murder. The journalist covering this story could have asked those same questions, but that would have muddied the narrative.

  7. They lost me at “residential school survivors”.

    ‘Survivors’, you say? Get a grip.

    Plane crashes have ‘survivors’. Earthquakes and tsunamis have ‘survivors’. Cancer has ‘survivors’. You people WENT TO SCHOOL.

  8. These deranged elders who, after a lifetime of family dysfunction and substance abuse, now recall stories of bizarre punishment and sadism are brought forward to shame “us” into even more reparations. We really have to start digging into their personal history to show them who’s really to blame — their families and band leaders.

  9. These reparations are absolutely necessary to counter the extreme lack of 95″ TV’s and Ford F-350’s for our elder leaders.
