Trudeau’s Canada – Coutts Trial Update From Autonomous Trucker

The Convictions of The Convicted: One case closes, another decomposes – updates and clarifications.

Full article Here

Related: By contrast, what does the Dear Leader do to a foreigner in Canada who has been arrested at least 10 times for road and rail blockades, and convicted of mischief charges? Why he vetoes his deportation.

14 Replies to “Trudeau’s Canada – Coutts Trial Update From Autonomous Trucker”

  1. All of this makes perfect sense when you understand it’s all intentional.

    The progressive elites are intentionally undermining and demoralizing the middle class in order to reduce resistance to their planned totalitarian regime, which we need for the sake of the planet.

    1. Personally I believe ‘Robber Barons’ to be more apropos than ‘Elites’…..the latter, in this and many other instances, are certainly not more skilled or intelligent, they are mainly muggers who care nothing about their victims, electoral or otherwise.

  2. Stop referring to it as the justice system. It’s the legal industry. The lib/dipers have destroyed it just like the medical industry or the education industry. Although he is a chip of the old block Turd Jr. like Pierre the Turd are only the figure heads for the corrupt terrorist organization known as the government of Canada. There is no fix.
    I could go on and on and on.


  3. Sometimes, or maybe a lot of times, one wonders if the justice ‘industry’ is composed of bottom feeders with assorted brain damage issues.
    When you hear some of the arguments, it boggles the mind that a healthy person can come up with that kind of shit.
    Heh, and the qualify themselves as if they know stuff.

  4. By contrast, what does the Dear Leader do to a foreigner in Canada who has been arrested at least 10 times for road and rail blockades, and convicted of mischief charges? Why he vetoes his deportation.

    “For years, every time a port, highway, work site or rail line was blockaded by B.C. activists, there was a good chance Zain Haq was not too far away.

    A Pakistani national who first came to Canada in 2019 on a study permit, he’s been arrested at least 10 times, convicted of mischief charges, and has been pretty open about his role in leading a foreign-funded “rebellion” against the Canadian government.

    And now, after a years-long effort by the Canada Border Services Agency to secure Haq’s deportation, the 23-year-old’s removal was stayed at the 11th hour, potentially due to the intervention of the Trudeau government.

    “All I heard is I’m not getting deported Sunday,” Haq told Glacier Media on Friday.

    Haq had been scheduled for deportation by no later than Monday, April 22 — and a last-minute appeal had already been rejected by a federal judge.

    But on Friday, Haq received a cryptic call from the office of Joyce Murray — the Liberal MP for his riding of Vancouver Quadra — telling him to stay by his phone. He was soon contacted by a CBSA case officer telling him he could stay in the country.

    Haq’s lawyer, Randall Cohn, told Glacier that he suspected someone in the federal cabinet was “listening and paying attention to the timing and decided to step in.”

  5. After some thought, the guilty verdict isn’t a surprise. Lethbridge is a government and union town. Its claim of being an agricultural centre is really a facade. With that type of mentality, it’s no wonder debunked evidence was still taken as gospel.

    1. Yeah.
      About 40% of the population works for government of all levels.
      The agricultural research is a government program, everything is a government program.
      The down town situation is a government program. The natives camp there, at times cause mayhem and all the ‘socialist’ government agencies are there to help. One must add that there are non-natives, the white thrash that are included.
      They need the homeless and the destitute, otherwise the assorted bureaucrats would end up to be much like those that they pretend to help.
      Guessing it cost few millions of $ that were and are spent to ‘help’.
      As it is with most of government programs, if it helps or not is not an issue. The issue is optics of spending for a ‘good’ cause.

      1. “ They need the homeless and the destitute, otherwise the assorted bureaucrats would end up to be much like those that they pretend to help.”

        That pretty much explains why government and NGO programs meant to solve problems never solve anything but only deepen them. Why put yourself out of a job?

  6. Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the case is that the individuals who were precisely the most cooperative with the police were the ones who garnered the heaviest punishments. Future protesters may not be so cooperative.

  7. the bastard really is singlehandedly destroying all that is proper correct good and decent in this country and replacing it with some bizarre combination of childish logic and grade school actions.

    1. The Jury is the third box, the trudeau government seems desperate to open the 4th box, so that they can do away with the first three

  8. It’s in his political dna.
    I remember when another corrupt liberal PM petitioned Pakistan to release Papa Khadr (on the pretext that he had Canadian citizenship) when they had him jailed for suspicion of facilitating and funding terrorist activities.
