9 Replies to “Very Fine People On Both Sides”

    1. I’m not so sure. I suspect Biden may have a profound understanding of eggs. Especially scrambled eggs, which so closely resemble his mind. But his mind can relate to anything cracked and fried.

  1. Every so often Biden slips and does Trump.
    Is not entertaining to see, every so often, how the so called ‘Demokrats’ (sic) realize reality of things?
    Though, one can predict that the media cartel will not mention it.

  2. So I guess “those who don’t understand what’s going on ” are as guilty as those who specifically call for genocide. Got it.

  3. What if you do understand what’s going on and you support the destruction of Hamas?

    1. Then Biden would accuse you of Wrongthink, and CANCEL you. No, he wouldn’t genocide you … he’d call it “political MAiD” … putting you humanely out of your misery. Biden would congratulate himself on his compassion for someone as sick as you.

      If Biden can justify Hamas murder of innocents as somehow … justified … then he can easily justify murdering you … all in the name of … compassion.

  4. I wonder what condemnation he has for people who don’t believe the Hamas Ministry of Health?
