42 Replies to “A Pedo Cult Groomer Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. “Sadly, you are not from a group whose participation we seek for this survey” … or some such.

    So if you are straight and male, they are kicking you out.


    1. I too … identified … as a heterosexual male over the age of 15. And got booted from the survey. Perhaps I will try it again as a “questioning” bisexual … perhaps that will unlock the survey chastity belt?

      1. I put in MAP and I got in. I’m not a pedo. I’m a straight hetero and I like my women grown up with boobs and curves, but I put in lots of stuff about how MAPS are discriminated against even in this study because they banned anyone 15 and under. And the section about how I feel about children seeing various groups kissing and holding hands in public, I put totally acceptable.

      2. I put in Westinghouse Toaster and got in. I also used Z0Z for first three letters of the PC. My last comment was: mental illness requires treatment, not “validation”.

    2. If you want to take the survey again. Go to the page where it says take the survey, and before you do, clear your cache and cookies. Then carry on.

      1. Tried the survey. If it kicks you out (as it did for me as a Non Canadian resident and also for another couple of other ‘incorrect’ answers) just go back and change your answer (ie: lie).
        I got about 20% through it and in the answers i’d given, I hadn’t intimated that I was diverse but it started asking me if i’d ever used any services to deal with my sexual / gender diversity. It was at this point I lost the will to live.

        Another masquerade of a ‘survey’ set up to prove the point they have already decided……

    3. Ha ha ha … kick out straight males … nothing like a biased survey by another totally useless biased idiot.

    4. I got through about 1/2 the survey…

      They need answers like “none of your business” and “go eat a bag of dicks, pervert”.

  2. straight male since birth, so not eligible for this survey.
    Under sexuality I recommend you select other and enter “Super Straight” in the description.

    I had planned to use other to recommend banning cosmetic sterilization.

  3. “Unfortunately you do not meet the selection criteria for this survey”

    Huh. Was I too male, or too heterosexual? I only got to answer four questions…maybe I was too old (over 15)? Or too Canadian?

  4. When I honestly answered straight male, the survey ended with this: “Unfortunately, as you do not meet certain selection criteria specific to this study, you are not eligible to participate. We thank you for your collaboration.”

  5. A fascist poll by a fascist government pretending to be objective in its cultural Marxist pursuit that excludes the opinions of those opposed to such an agenda.

    1. … to quote Pete Townsend
      “… and open legs” “You better, you better, you bet”

  6. I am a lesbian werewolf in a man’s body.
    My sexual orientation is: pro, especially like doggy style.
    I came out at full moon.
    Treatment I received: red meat diet.
    What contributes the most to happiness? sex (doggy style), red meat and full moon.

  7. Well! I didn’t bother answering the question asking my “sex” because I found the framing of the question as “assigned at birth” to be somewhat offensive. I WAS NOT “ASSIGNED” A SEX! I was born a male.

    Now that I see how others responded to this question, I think I did well!

    Incredibly dishonest survey! They want a cross-section of opinion of Canadians, but they exclude nearly half the population from participating!!!

    Definitely fascist survey. Discriminative, and exclusive. Exactly the opposite of what the left claims they want for this society.

  8. Kicked out after 4. The results of this survey will be we surveyed a bunch of deviants, and they love Justin Trudeau.

  9. Gave up after 50 or so questions and not even halfway done. Not enough places to fill in inventive answers. Too tedious.

    1. Agreed, but as Immigrant-Indigenous faerie-sexual two-spirited queer-or-questioning lake monster, being able to say that the only injustice have every experienced in this country was Justin Trudeau calling me a racist and misogynist with unacceptable views for desiring to keep my private health matters private half-made up for the tedium.

      I guess you gotta make room for the little wins.

  10. If you don’t like the idea of being dishonest in claiming your gender or preference… try choosing other and provide a translated word for the same. Greek does marvellously

    Heterosexual – Ετεροφυλόφιλος
    Male – Αρσενικός

  11. Made it through,,, I was a mid 40’s, Indigenous women, who is bi-curious. I dislike gay men, and particularly trans people. When it asked who was bullying me and violent, the answer was trans people.
    I think if you suggest you’re Indigenous, you’ll go all the why through.
    Yup, straight white voices not allowed.

  12. Anyone else notice the pedo symbol beside “Jasmin Roy/Sophie Desmarais Foundation”.?
    Heart within a heart = girl lover.

  13. I described myself as questioning which is truthful because I ask myself what is wrong with these people. For additional services I advised providing mental health therapy for delusional deviants. I pointed out that I am subject to emotional abuse from the media and advertising which portrays men as either incompetent buffoons or violent. As a final comment I wished them a happy heteronormative day. It was tedious but fun.

    Yes, it is a big basket to capture everyone under the sun with one exception, heterosexual men who deal with their problems on their own without bitching about how cruel the world is.

  14. I bullshitted my way to 100%. Told them I felt threatened by racist remarks made by Turdeau and and my Happiness comes from being a Proud member of the Fringe Minority with Unacceptable Views, have 5 kids ages 6 to 54 and I was born in 1980 and live in Toronto.

  15. Warning, they are not interested in the opinions of heterosexual males. But you can use the back arrow and adjust it to some other thing. Just make it up.

    1. Or in opinions of Hetero Females, which I briefly identified as for the survey. As a Women, even a temporary one, it is my right to change my mind.

  16. Faked it all the way through (on good advice from here) and also said I’m abused/offended by tansmales, media and etc.

    My parting shot. Leave the kids alone you medical perverts.

  17. I identified as coniferousexual…the needles are bit prickly but I just find leaves too soft.

  18. If you a male heterosexual, then put ‘pre-operative transsexual lesbian’. That ought to get you past the filters.

  19. Surprisingly keeping everything related to peanut butter went through with out a hitch (even that awful discrimination in Hershey PA regarding the extra chunky )
    Final comment
    I am generally very disappointed in the lack of any concerns or questions regarding legumes or people who identify as legumes or even those who enjoy legume butter (either smooth, chunky or extra chunky-although dolphins smooth is super sexy!!!).
    This in itself I believe shows a clear and present danger to any and all who either fall in the pro or anti legume camp.
    Kindly keep this in mind for the future.
    This survey has BEAN a real pleasure!

  20. Since my husband passed away 15 years ago, I just haven’t felt like screwing anyone else, so I said I’m “asexual”.
    Told them it would help to keep sexuality out of schools and workplaces, where it has no business being in the first place.
    What helped me with my gender identity problem as an adolescent was playing hockey. As in, “yup, hockey is fun, and I’m still a girl!”
