Meet The New Commies, Same As The Old Commies

Andy Gno;

Blaming outsiders was a left-wing tactic when the 2020 George Floyd riots burned down neighborhoods and killed people.

But those weren’t and aren’t outsiders.

These are people on their side, in their movement, with similar goals.

From the immediate hours after Oct. 7, Nazi imagery, leftist justifications and Islamic extremism have been at protests’ forefront.[…]

Today’s anti-Israel extremism is part of the same moving train that drove violence in 2020, the anti-MAGA riots before that and the campus social-justice craze before that.

In fact, the people and tactics are largely the same.

12 Replies to “Meet The New Commies, Same As The Old Commies”

  1. Maybe a few will now figure out what the tranny schitt is all about, all are the same folks supporting it, and funded by george soreA$$ and his ilk!

  2. It’s always the same people, and nothing gets done about those who are providing the material support to allow these people to go on their sprees of destruction.

  3. Exactly right. These people (vermin really) are 95% communists pretending they give a rat’s behind about the so called “palestinians”. They want to overthrow Western Civilization and install a one world genocidal commie dictatorship in true Pol Pot fashion. Understand who these people are.Do not be fooled.

  4. About those “Islamic Extremists”, they’re not extreme but doctrinaire. Islam is extreme relative to us in the genteel post-Christian West. We meander through our lives ignorant of, or choosing to ignore, the two (somewhat in league) factions of ideologues who intend to enslave us: Islam and Globalists.

    1. Islam and Globalists… Funded by the Hitler youth still among us.
      To become known as Islamic National Socialists,
      (Jew Haters for sure), they are here, in our face, and don’t care what we say or think.

  5. These recent generations of young kids have it so damn good … they don’t get drafted into Nam at age 18 … the unemployment rate is sub-5% … and the sum total knowledge of all humanity is accessible from their cell phones … so damned good that they need to CLING to any “cause” that comes along. They clung to George Floyd, and now they’re clinging to Gaza.

    Well … soon enough America’s rapidly approaching $50 Trillion in debt will cause a complete governmental, societal, and cultural collapse … that these kids will WISH they could pitch tents for Palestine … then go home to mommy and daddy’s to rest and recharge. No … there will be terror on the streets. These brave, brave, kids will be hiding in the closet … where they belong.

  6. “The people and the tactics are largely the same.”

    No kidding. The Israel-Hamas conflict is a fight between lefties and lefties. It is autophagy. Jews vote consistently and almost universally left-wing. Hamas and the Muslims vote consistently and almost universally left-wing. A survey conducted by Emgage/Muslim Public Affairs Council showed a majority of Muslim voters (86%) backing Biden in the 2020 election. A survey of registered Jewish voters, taken by the Jewish Electoral Institute, shows Biden leading Trump 72% to 22% among Jewish voters.

    Both the Israelis and the Muslims are libtards.
    Why should I care about a fight between leftists?
