Honey! It’s finished!

Well, they finally finished that pipeline to the Left Coast. In other parts of the world, this is May Day, the Workers holiday. Here, maybe it should be Pipeline Day?

And the Saskatchewan government is pretty excited about this multilateral well program. They announced it for a third time yesterday. This story provides more detail on how it could reinvigorate cold heavy oil production in the Lloydminster area.

Alberta’s getting behind geothermal development.



5 Replies to “Honey! It’s finished!”

  1. The “people” need to wake up, not woke, and realize that without the energy that canada has they would all be dead.

  2. Looking outside at the drought that has hit Alberta because of global boiling. I’m not great at Chemistry, but can the shortage of warm spring rain be replaced by 40cm of cold snow?

    Now I’m old enough to remember the May of 1980, everyday was above 20 C and it was the most beautiful spring ever and then St Helens erupted on May 18. We were partying in Couer d’Alene, the great big black cloud came overhead and it started raining ash. Two days later it started raining and it rained the rest of the summer everywhere. We need a volcano tax, we can’t let that happen again.

  3. One hopes that the Alberta government is putting money into this project so they can say :Look, uit doesn’t work; we tried”. You realize that “geothermal” energy is really nuclear power done in a very innefficient manner.

  4. Alberta’s getting behind geothermal development.

    Anybody have any critical info on this? Throwing the phrase, “geothermal baseload power” into several search engines only comes up with glowing reviews, which I trust about as much as anything else the Greenies/gov’t say.
