12 Replies to “The Games Liberals Play”

  1. A lawless society.
    We have so many Laws,Rules and Regulations, that we cannot know what the “Law” is.
    Hence we are a lawless shithole.
    By design.
    Far too many bureaus are patroller,Judge and executioner all in one…
    And the Just Us System backs this corruption fully.

    Want to amuse yourself?
    Look up what constitutes a toxic/hazardous spill in Can Ahh Duh.
    And check out your ability to appeal the punishment handed out by an over zealous minion…
    Oh right,you have no legal right,the minion is ,under the law,your law giver..
    We need way more rope and more ornate lamp-posts.

  2. Anyone know, what is the name of the bill that they are discussing and what is the name of the man who is speaking to Prof Peterson?

        1. His essential point is that C-63 creates a body of adjudicators that answer to no one, and can make up the rules of their own conduct on the fly. As in Scotland, where they received 4,000 complaints on the first day (and most of them were directed at one of the progenitors and supporters of the hate speech legislation, First Minister Humza, who has now resigned) and less than 1% of the complaints were deemed to have merit, what is the purpose of the hate speech legislation except to punish enemies of the government?

          The government of Canada cares not one whit about its citizenry, but finds them a necessary and troublesome lot that gets in the way of their devil may care lifestyle.

          1. Call me a cynic, but it seems to me that law has become little more than a tool to be both used to punish one’s opponents and prevent them from punishing you.

  3. If their lips are moving,they be lying.
    Actions…The actual results of Liberal Word Salads,are always negative for the free citizen.
    Can Ah Duhs bankruptcy being case in point..
    Because these people lie by choice and by preference,their words mean nothing.
    By their actions..They are the enemies of me and mine.
    Destructive by choice.
    Banishment is our only civil option.
    Civil War our future,if these fools are left unchecked.
    The State of Thuggery is proud of its status.
    That the “collective” knows better than the individual about all aspects of the individuals life,is is the foundational belief of the Administrative State..
    A collective that knows not what bathroom to chose?

    That this philosophy has collapsed every past human civilization?
    A mere detail.
    Those people just were not doing it right.
    Ask any of your Progressive Comrades.

  4. It’s For The Children,..If it saves 1 life….like the FILTHY Arnold says- SCwEW YOUR FWEEDOM
