15 Replies to “Canada is a ‘big talker, little doer’”

    1. We would all be better if the Tombstone on the Hudson was converted into a bomb crater.

    2. l disagree. un is worse than useless. they are malevolent and dangerous.
      useless doesnt accomplish much. UN accomplishes a lot of anti-Semitism and human trafficking bs.

    3. It is a good thing that the UN is so incompetant and useless. Imagine the crap we’d be in if they were able to implement their agenda. Eat ze bugs and live in the pod.

  1. I believe it was Rwanda and Dallaire where the conversation arose about him asking for 250 jeeps equipped with the whole military thing – guns, tracking GPS etc. They were available. He begged and was sent 45 (?) jeeps stripped down to nothing. Just transportation. From the UN. Why? I recall it was another Dallaire interview maybe 5 or so years, ago perhaps when he wrote a book. Eye opening stuff. People just don’t care how many black people you kill.

    1. ah, but only if its other blacks. biiiiig flareup if its george floyd offed by white cops

    2. Clinton didn’t want to deal with any “3AM phone calls” after his Somalia debacle.

      But that doesn’t change that Dallaire was the commander on the ground, and he pointlessly sacrificed 10 Belgian Commandos.

  2. My sister met him. She thought he was well suited to be a bureaucrat. A general who takes action, not so much.

  3. A diversity hire was in over his head and thirty years later is still talking about it

    1. Yes, if you’ve read his book,the title of which he borrowed from an old James Cagney movie, Dallaire proves he was the ultimate bureaucrat, unable to do anything without Orders From Above.
      Dallaire only went to Rwanda because,as he said, if you wanted to advance you had to do an overseas assignment.
      He would have made a good supply Sergeant, but as a military commander in a war zone he was so in over his head, the people who put him in that position should be court-martialed.

  4. Seems all are agreed that its somehow western taxpayer’s job to prevent Africans from slaughtering each other.

    1. I read yesterday that Nigeria is considering sending troops to Haiti. An American commentator said that was “colonialist”.
      Maybe we should let these tribal matters play themselves out without us.
