46 Replies to “May 4, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. Well that’s not very “green” of the US-Ukraine warmongers … bombing petrol and unleashing untold tonnes of Planet killing Co2! Come on maa’aaaann … what happened to our “green” military?

      In a related story … the cost of gasoline in CA is almost $2.00/gal. higher than the National average … and the gas tax just went up again on May 1. We routinely pay FAR MORE than a paltry 10% increase over the rest of the nation. So who has declared WAR against CA residents? Ukraine? Or the “greens”?

      1. It’s the MAGAtards that are the warmongers. They believe Russias propaganda, just like they believed Iraq had undeclared WMD.

    1. I’m pretty sure, the russische schweine, as well as the schweinie-lovers here, still believe that Russia is “a self-sufficient country”, even as they see how it’s legalised contraband to get whatever Western technology it can get that way. Unfortunately, you can’t rely on smugglers to get you aircraft parts or gas-drilling equipment.

      1. Yep, the autarchy delusions coming from a turd world shithole that, apart for vodka, has never produced a single consumer good anyone wanted, are particularly amusing.

        “…you can’t rely on smugglers to get you aircraft parts or gas-drilling equipment.”

        Or things as simple as elevator part. Most elevators in russia are either broken or pass service date with no service scheduled. They need to go back to their natural state of raping each other in mud huts (for many it is not a long trip anyway).

        1. To even call it “autarky” when you plan to develop technology with the ultimate goal of increasing your international market share is a self-contradiction obvious even to a small child, unless that child is mentally impaired.

    2. Still more Ukrainian fxrxxs Retreating To Victory!


      Incredibly, there are still people out there who truly believe that if we just send a few more weapons into Ukraine (after the corrupt generals, government officials and bureaucrats take their cut) that they will miraculously be able to somehow push the Russian army right back out of Ukraine. Pure FANTASY.

      1. (does anyone know why the word f.o.r.c.e.s triggers an immediate deletion of a post?)

  1. Robert – Yet again you have posted a video that Youtube lists as private.
    Because you have not fixed this problem, I’m led to believe that you do not read this comment section.

  2. Also from The Economist: a top Ukrainian general says the quiet part out loud…


    Read the entire thing for an idea of just how screwed Ukraine really is. They knew long ago that they can’t possibly ‘win’, and are now just trying to figure out how to lose as little land as possible in the inevitable negotiations with Russia.

      1. “Which is a very reasonable tactic when attacked by a country ten times or size.”

        Sure it is. But everyone keeps dodging around the fact that perhaps Ukraine shouldn’t have started something that they couldn’t finish. When your country is inextricably linked to Russia by history, blood and demographics but you choose to start brazenly killing thousands of your own ethnic Russian citizens over political differences, there WILL be consequences.

        Russia=Canada and Ukraine=Quebec in this conflict. If Quebec held another referendum tomorrow and decided to leave Canada and form their own independent nation, what would you suggest Canada do in response? Negotiate to let them go, or just SLAUGHTER them instead?

        1. “Ukraine shouldn’t have started”

          Ukraine didn’t, russia did.

          “start brazenly killing thousands of your own ethnic Russian citizens ”

          Did not happen.

          “Russia=Canada and Ukraine=Quebec”

          1 Freddie = minimum value on the IQ scale.

        2. Please, please, please, Flinny, give me a reliable source (or at least what you would consider one) for Ukraine “starting brazenly killing thousands of ethnic Russian citizens over political differences” BEFORE the Russian invasion, which started in February 2014 with the annexation of Crimea. Even if you’re one of those loonies who believe in “8 years of bombing Donbas”, a simple time perception should tell you that it wasn’t “starting”; it was “reacting”.

        3. Gee Fred from bc, you’re becoming a one man conspiracy show.

          Do you have the tiniest bit of evidence?

    1. And yet his only point was that Ukraine would lose without foreign aid. Is that a revelation for you?

  3. Three arrested and charged over Sikh activist’s killing in Canada: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67836968
    The diplomatic row escalated after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged India’s government may have been involved. Delhi strongly denied the allegation.

    I personally would believe an Indian about as far as I could throw a concert grand.

    1. “NY case against Trump is melting.”

      As they all will…some quicker than others. Even on the off chance that Donald Trump is ‘convicted’ of something by a stacked jury or a biased, Democrat-appointed judge, that conviction will not only cause his political support to go UP (not down), but will result in a guaranteed acquittal on appeal.

      The Democrats are almost in a state of full-blown panic right now, as no matter how hard they try to manipulate the justice system to engineer a phony criminal conviction *nothing* they do is working. So what do the geniuses at the DOJ do in response? Change their tactics? Maybe try something else? Nope. They just do MORE of THE SAME.

      It really is fun to watch, though.
