Revolutionary Justice

Making veiled threats ought to at least get you investigated by the police. Or maybe your bank account could be frozen…oh, wait… that’s a punishment reserved for conservative protestors. The vanguard of the proletariat is apparently exempt from such scrutiny.

Kevin Bryan, a University of Toronto business professor who visited the encampment and spoke with activists on Thursday, said he found that the “majority of people I talked to are neither students nor affiliated with our university.”

Bryan’s tweets highlighting the non-student element of the anti-Israel encampment prompted Vic Wojciechowska, a communications officer with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), to threaten the professor with “consequences.”

“There need to be street-based consequences for clumsy buffoons like Kevin.

17 Replies to “Revolutionary Justice”

  1. Wojciechowska. A communications officer with an unpronounceable name. Anyways, what interest does OPSEU have with the anti-Israel demo? What are street based consequence? Why is there a need for it? Would shedding light on the demographics of the protesters tarnish the union’s reputation or its members in any way?

  2. That f@g Fred Hahn is one of the first to go when Sharia law takes over Canada. What a loser.

    1. I cannot say what I think about that arrogant puke, Fred, but those with ears to hear, know what I think.
      He epitomizes an argument about having kept certain elements in closets.
      Or Genies in the bottle.
      Too late, I guess.
      Hand it to them.
      Our bad.
      PS….since when have we allowed these sick bastards to think they hold the moral high ground?
      INVERSION. Et Fooking Cetera.
      Have a nice day

  3. The infuriating aspect of union membership is that your dues pay for actions and politics that you might personally abhor. But that is, though on a smaller scale, like paying taxes to a government that you abhor. Am I just seeing this through old eyes? Am I just in permanent state of geriatric rage? Canada was a country we could be proud of at one time or was it my imagination. Do I fly the Red Ensign because I am fossilized and too old to change or because my years of experience have generated some wisdom that tells me that my country is on the wrong track.

  4. So if anything happens to dude the cops are going to visit the guy from Barney Miller?
    Joke, Shithole country with coward-bullies in charge.

  5. “Street-based,” we know what that means. Funny if he posted that on the internet…there would be consequences.

  6. ““There need to be street-based consequences for clumsy buffoons like Kevin.”

    The Rohman umpire.

  7. They say politics is show biz for ugly people. Union politics is show biz for ugly, stupid people.

  8. “We fully reject the administration’s attempt to deny them [the protestors] their constitutional right to peaceful assembly,” the union wrote in a public statement. “Administration says they are protesting on private property, a claim we reject entirely. They are protesting on stolen land.”

    Do the protestors have permission to enter stolen land? Is the union the spokesperson for stolen land? Talk about misdirection. My client is not guilty because …. he’s from Italy.

  9. Well, this is B.S.

    But on the bright side, now we ALL know to say a big “Howdy!” to Vic Wojciechowska, a communications officer with the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU) should we meet him in the street, or a bank, or a dark alley, etc.

    Hi Vic! How’s it goin’? Fame treating you good?
