A Shirtless Man With Long Hair Is Not, In Fact, A Woman

When a mother and her baby are assaulted, and the media and police are not entirely frank:

Happily, passers-by assisted the alarmed mother, and Mr Beekmeyer, who was shirtless at the time, was overpowered and arrested shortly afterwards, before being charged with assault. Unlike the police and several news outlets, including the Vancouver Sun and the CBC, witnesses to the crime were quite comfortable using the words he and man when referring to Mr Beekmeyer.

Then, it has to be said, things get a little strange.

11 Replies to “A Shirtless Man With Long Hair Is Not, In Fact, A Woman”

  1. The media microcosm mandates lying as the primary survival mechanism…because “You can’t handle the truth.”

    1. VOWG. In the second clip the reporter asks the cop if this person has any history of mental illness. “They do” was the response. He thinks he’s a reincarnated dead woman. How much more proof do you need?

      1. Mental patients. The lot of em. When did it become “cool” to be a mental case?

        1. I mean, I’m sure I did my bit to make it fashionable, but was it really just me?

  2. When we bring back the asylums for the mentally ill, any media turnip and cop who played the man-can-be-a-woman game is going inside too.

    1. I will help herd that FILTH into the cage it belongs….NO ISSUE.
      IMO, I’d of rather taken this POS in a Back alley – one where he would never leave from.
      VANCOUVER as plenty of em… as I recall having grown up there.

      WE are the ones that should be “dealing” with this abomination of these supposed Deranged trans Grooming Filth.

      No need for uniformed folks.

  3. Did you see what one of these did in Texas last week? Ran over a man, twice, then got out of the vehicle, straddled him then kissed him. And then stabbed him 9 times.
