11 Replies to “Rewriting History”

  1. The unjabbed won’t forget.

    And once the jabbed police protection and their families start really dying off, the elites will lead very exciting lives.

    In societal collapse, you’re only as rich as what you can carry.

    Su casa es mi case senor….excuse the spelling.

  2. “The horrible people who felt it perfectly fine to strip the rights of citizens around the world, are now rewriting history.”

    But that’s okay, they still feel it’s perfectly fine to strip the rights of citizens around the world. And we’ll thank them for it one day – just ask them!

    1. In a demented sort of a way “they” can be excused for thinking that way. After all, a majority of the electorate (and all of our federal politicians) accepted/approved the suppression of our rights.

      1. Yep. “But he said he’s going to give us ALL THIS FREE STUFF!” , so roll-out the UBI…

        “He who would trade a little freedom for a little security deserves neither, and will lose both.”

  3. Aaron and Tucker can feel magnanimous in letting bygones be bygones but, BIG BUT here, the people that foisted this scamdemic and the media gurus that didn’t perform due diligence in reporting and spreading the lie do not qualify for absolution. I for one will not forgive or forget. To some of the sheep that followed instructions I have some empathy, to many others that took it upon themselves to behave like the goons in the Thirties that joined the Germany establishment I have bitter resentment, especially the little Hitlers that commanded me to follow the arrows, the little people that commanded me to wear a mask, the family and friends that shunned me because I wouldn’t get the jab. Unfortunately there will be no restitution (there isn’t enough rope or lamposts) and there can be no amount of compensation for the damage that was inflicted, Nuremberg II, not-with-standing. The past four years, in the future will be regarded as a bigger humanitarian blunder than the Holocaust, Holodomor, and Mao’s Five Year plan combined. WE must learn from the past and watch and learn from the Israellis about “NEVER FORGET”. If we fail we are destined to a very dark future.
