10 Replies to “The Most Persecuted Man In The World”

  1. Biden should be agonizing over his son’s predicament while resting in a nursing home.

  2. Hunter Biden gets pardoned Wednesday November 6, 2024. Am I a genius or what? They are hoping the judge understands that he not be imprisoned pending appeal.

  3. Don’t forget this lowlife paid zero in income tax for 10’s of millions of free money and the same ‘media’ are making sure you don’t know about it.

  4. One of Biden’s first acts as president was to withdraw Betsy DeVos’s improvements to the interpretation of Title IX in universities. In particular, she greatly improved due process for those charged with sexual misconduct, so that young men were less likely to be railroaded out of university based on spurious accusations.

    Hard to feel sympathy for Biden when he showed so little sympathy other for parents’ sons.

  5. the laptop scandal has been erased from the public memory . the gun charges are nothing .

  6. The purpose of the Trump trial is to paint him as Harvey Weinstein so that no matter what is revealed about Hunter the View can yell out “Ya, but what about Trump!”
